Reply To: First feedbacks after last update (new skills and injuries)
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Ок. It is aim shot- so i was little wrong – aim shot has 30-48
maximum damage that can be done on the mercenary whose armor 110 remains (130-20 = 110) is 48 * 0.35 = 16.8 minus 10% from 110 – 11 = 5.8 …
banned that scum immediately…or fix wiki
I don’t think that is how the calculation would go, since damage ignoring armour probably shouldn’t be modified by a perk that reduces damage to armour … But does armour still modify/diminish the amount of damage that ignores it (i.e. so that the “damage ignoring” value is a percentage of the amount of damage that is done to the armour)? I’m not sure (it shouldn’t in theory, but it does seem to in practice, to judge by what I’ve observed when hitting orcs) …
Either way:
— If current total armour is 110, then 5% of that (the amount of damage reduction due to Battle Forged) is 5.5 and damage to armour should be reduced by 5.5% due to Battle Forged …
— If the goblin aimed shot does 48 damage, then 35% of that (which ignores armour) is around 17 (I don’t think the 5.5% would be deducted from this value, but the reduction would be trivial anyway) …
— If armour still modifies the amount of damage that ignores it, then 65% of 48 is around 31 or 32 damage done to armour, and this would be reduced by 5.5% so that you’d get an armour damage value of around 30 …
— And then, if the “damage ignoring armour” % (35%) is calculated from the damage that is done to the armour, 35% of 30 is still 10-11 …
Oh, but in your case the armour damage was 20 and the hit point damage 10, so that (presumably) the “damage ignoring” value is not meant to be calculated from the “damage to” value. I think the “damage ignoring” is just calculated from the total raw damage (unmodified by the effectiveness of the weapon against armour and unmodified by the perk that reduces armour damage).
However, the damage ignoring armour is a wide range and the % displayed is only the maximum possible amount that ignores it (the minimum for most weapons is still zero, although hammers always do at least 10 damage to hit points).
So, if you’re hitting an orc warlord on the head with a fighting axe, it’ll still probably just do 1 damage to hit points, but if you’re playing deadly difficulty and a bandit raider with only 1 hit point left takes one final desperate slug at you with his flail, the flail will be sure to do massive critical damage to your head despite your intact nasal helm, and will cause you all to flee from combat …