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Hah, finally I’ve finished general work under Talented in Perks and start to test all changes.
So, I decided to make each brother more defferent than other and also make an influence of background to brother capacity. As I wrote before, every background has 6 possible perks to improve and brother has 50% chance to get each of them. It creates more specific place in fight if you decided to use it.
For example “Shield expert” being Talented reduces cost of next turn Shieldwall skill, so your brother can hold position longer than other one. Perks like “Colossus” just give more stats and you will really desire a brother with Talented Colossus and 3 stars in Hitpoints, and if he also has trait for +10 Hitpoints – be sure, you will never find similar one.
Also we had a discussion on this forum about try-out and gambling around hiring brothers. For this reason, I removed try-out and made all stats initially visible. But you must pay more for better man – daily wage now has modifier depended on talents, perks and some trait.
Some Quality of Life:
1)Fleeing and engaged enemies drop their loot when you press It’s over button.
I was fed up with “knife game” for several rounds, so it just saves time and a bit items, cause you need only one guy to engage enemy. Also if anyone doesn’t know – after showing dialog about retreat, you can arise it again from menu.