18:36:04 SQ * Orc Warrior: Using Chop against Bane the Wardog! 18:36:04 SQ Orc Warrior uses skill Chop 18:36:04 SQ Bane the Wardog has died. 18:36:04 Script Error the index 'isAlive' does not exist Function: onDeath -> scripts/entity/tactical/wardog.nut : 129 Variables: _fatalityType = 0, _tile = Instance, _skill = Table, _killer = Instance, this = Table Function: kill -> scripts/entity/tactical/actor.nut : 2085 Variables: tile = Instance, _silent = False, _fatalityType = 0, _skill = Table, _killer = Instance, this = Table Function: onDamageReceived -> scripts/entity/tactical/actor.nut : 908 Variables: fatalityType = 0, damage = 68.2266, armorDamage = 0, armor = 0, p = Table, _hitInfo = Table, _skill = Table, _attacker = Instance, this = Table Function: onScheduledTargetHit -> scripts/skills/skill.nut : 1133 Variables: hasArmorHitSound = False, pos = Instance, hitInfo = Table, damageDirect = 0.3, damageArmor = 61, damageRegular = 44, damageMult = 1.5625, bodyPartDamageMult = 2, bodyPart = 1, partHit = 14, toHit = 100, _info = Table, this = Table Function: attackEntity -> scripts/skills/skill.nut : 973 Variables: info = Table, r = 14, toHit = 50, distanceToTarget = 1, levelDifference = 0, defense = 20, skill = 70, isBlocked = False, defenderProperties = Table, properties = Table, _allowDiversion = True, _targetEntity = Table, _user = Instance, this = Table Function: onExecute -> scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_default.nut : 141 Variables: dist = 1, _entity = Instance, this = Table Function: think -> scripts/ai/tactical/agent.nut : 173 Variables: this = Table Function: updateCurrentEntity -> scripts/states/tactical_state.nut : 1108 Variables: agent = Table, activeEntity = Table, this = Table Function: onUpdate -> scripts/states/tactical_state.nut : 374 Variables: this = Table 18:36:04 SQ * Orc Warrior: Using Chop against Bane the Wardog! 18:36:04 SQ -> Behaviors to pick from: Idle (1)(*), Flee (0), Retreat (0), Attack.KnockOut (0), Roam (0), Defend.Knockback (0), Attack.Split (0), Attack.SplitShield (0), Defend (0), Defend.Shieldwall (0), BreakFree (0), Engage.Melee (0), LineBreaker (0), Attack.Swing (0), Attack.CrushArmor (0), Attack.Default (0) 18:36:04 SQ -> Behavior picked: Idle (1) 18:36:04 SQ * Orc Warrior: Ending Turn with 0 of 8 AP left. 18:36:04 SQ * --------------------------------------------------- 18:36:04 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 7