Battle Brothers 20:24:07Platform Setting video mode 20:24:07Platform Finished setting video mode 20:24:07Core Using write path: C:\Users\cmpol\Documents\Battle Brothers 20:24:07Core Initializing Resource Manager 20:24:07Core Initializing Input Manager 20:24:07Core Initializing Render Manager 20:24:07Renderer Allocated Renderbuffer in excess of 3072kb. 20:24:07Renderer Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. 20:24:07Renderer Device: Radeon RX 580 Series 20:24:07Renderer Version: 3.3.13596 Compatibility Profile Context 27.20.1034.6 20:24:07Renderer Shader Version: 4.60 20:24:07Renderer Framebuffer Support: Yes 20:24:07Core Initializing Sound Manager 20:24:07Core Initializing Scene Manager 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/solid.vs 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/solid_pass0.fs 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/simple.vs 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/simple.fs 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/sprite.vs 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/sprite.fs 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/sprite_dof.vs 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/sprite_dof.fs 20:24:07Core Initializing Script Manager 20:24:07Core Initializing UI Manager 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/ui.vs 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/ui.fs 20:24:07Core Initializing Input Action Manager 20:24:07Core Initializing State Manager 20:24:07Core Initializing Persistence Manager 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/debug.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/detail.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/effects_0.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_0.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_1.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_2.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_3.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_4.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_5.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_6.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_7.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_icons.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/object_0.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/object_1.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/orientation_overlay.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/terrain.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/transitions.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/ui.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/world_decals.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/world_detail.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/world_detail_1.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/world_entity_0.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/world_settlement.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/world_special.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/world_tiles.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: brushes/world_weather.brush 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/fow.vs 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/fow.fs 20:24:07Texture Texture "gfx/fow.png" (ID: 5) took up approximately 16384kb in video memory. 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/water.vs 20:24:07Resource Unloading: shaders/water.fs 20:24:08Texture Texture "gfx/water.png" (ID: 6) took up approximately 16384kb in video memory. 20:24:08Texture Texture "gfx/world_tiles.png" (ID: 7) took up approximately 43680kb in video memory. 20:24:08Texture Texture "gfx/world_special.png" (ID: 8) took up approximately 256kb in video memory. 20:24:08Texture Texture "gfx/terrain.png" (ID: 9) took up approximately 10912kb in video memory. 20:24:08Texture Texture "gfx/transitions.png" (ID: 10) took up approximately 5456kb in video memory. 20:24:08Resource Parsed Resource Package "preload/on_start.txt" with 5 items. 20:24:08Resource Started loading Resource Package "preload/on_start.txt". 20:24:10Texture Compressed texture "gfx/effects_0.png" from 16384kb to 4096kb. 20:24:12Texture Compressed texture "gfx/world_weather.png" from 32768kb to 8192kb. 20:24:13Texture Texture "gfx/ui.png" (ID: 13) took up approximately 10922kb in video memory. 20:24:13Texture Texture "gfx/fonts/cinzel_bold_20.png" (ID: 14) took up approximately 512kb in video memory. 20:24:13Texture Texture "gfx/fonts/cinzel_bold_100.png" (ID: 15) took up approximately 8192kb in video memory. 20:24:17UI Screen 'RootScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'ConsoleScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'LoadingScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'TooltipScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'DialogScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'TacticalScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'TacticalCombatResultScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'TacticalDialogScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldTownScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldGameFinishScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldEventPopupScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldEventScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldCombatDialog' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldRelationsScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldObituaryScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldCampfireScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'MainMenuScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldMenuScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'TacticalMenuScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'WorldCharacterScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:19UI Screen 'TacticalCharacterScreen' successfully registered. 20:24:20SQ RootState::onShow() 20:24:20Resource Parsed Resource Package "preload/on_running.txt" with 71 items. 20:24:20Resource Started loading Resource Package "preload/on_running.txt". 20:24:20Texture Texture "gfx/entity_0.png" (ID: 16) took up approximately 43690kb in video memory. 20:24:21Texture Texture "gfx/entity_3.png" (ID: 37) took up approximately 10922kb in video memory. 20:24:21Texture Texture "gfx/entity_icons.png" (ID: 44) took up approximately 43690kb in video memory. 20:24:21Texture Texture "gfx/world_detail.png" (ID: 45) took up approximately 43690kb in video memory. 20:24:22Texture Texture "gfx/world_entity_0.png" (ID: 46) took up approximately 21845kb in video memory. 20:24:22Texture Texture "gfx/world_settlement.png" (ID: 47) took up approximately 43690kb in video memory. 20:24:22Texture Texture "gfx/world_detail_1.png" (ID: 48) took up approximately 10922kb in video memory. 20:24:22Texture Texture "gfx/world_decals.png" (ID: 49) took up approximately 10920kb in video memory. 20:24:59SQ Load campaign: Jomsvikings_26199 20:24:59SQ Save version: 64 20:24:59Scene Finished loading scene. 20:24:59Texture Texture "gfx/entity_4.png" (ID: 106) took up approximately 10922kb in video memory. 20:24:59Texture Texture "gfx/entity_6.png" (ID: 107) took up approximately 10922kb in video memory. 20:24:59Texture Texture "gfx/entity_5.png" (ID: 108) took up approximately 10922kb in video memory. 20:25:00Texture Texture "gfx/entity_2.png" (ID: 109) took up approximately 21845kb in video memory. 20:25:00Texture Texture "gfx/entity_7.png" (ID: 110) took up approximately 2730kb in video memory. 20:25:01SQ contract added: Return Item 20:25:01SQ contract added: Shifting Sands 20:25:01SQ contract added: A Pact With Witches 20:25:01SQ contract added: Hunting Beasts 20:25:01SQ contract added: Hunting Beasts 20:25:01SQ contract added: Armed Courier 20:25:01SQ contract added: Armed Courier 20:25:01SQ contract added: Escort Caravan 20:25:01SQ contract added: Armed Courier 20:25:01SQ contract added: Drive Off Nomads 20:25:01SQ contract added: Armed Courier 20:25:01SQ contract added: Return Item 20:25:01SQ contract added: Escort Caravan 20:25:01SQ contract added: Destroy Goblin Camp 20:25:01SQ contract added: Find Location 20:25:01SQ contract activated: Defend Settlement (id: 570) 20:25:02SQ showing contract: Defend Settlement (id: 570) 20:25:07Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:08Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:08Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:09Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:09Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:09Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:09Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:10Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:10Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:10Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:10Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:10Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:10Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:11Script Error the index '255' does not exist Function: getFormation -> scripts/states/world/asset_manager.nut : 1097 Variables: @ITERATOR@ = 22, b = Table, @INDEX@ = 21, roster = Array, ret = Array, this = Table Function: strategic_onQueryBrothersList -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 970 Variables: this = Table Function: queryData -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 445 Variables: this = Table Function: show -> scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.nut : 111 Variables: this = Table Function: showCharacterScreen -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2753 Variables: this = Table Function: topbar_options_module_onBrothersButtonClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 2102 Variables: this = Table Function: onBrothersButtonPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.nut : 110 Variables: this = Table 20:25:17Script VM collected 131 object(s) and deleted them. 20:25:53Core Shutting down engine core.