Battle Brothers - Early Access - Build:{background-color:#000000;margin:0;font-family:Arial;font-style:normal;font-size:62.5%}*{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.header{background-color:#000000;box-shadow:0੖ -6px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2) inset;width:100%;height:4rem;margin-bottom:.4rem;color:#d97e1c;font-size:12px;text-align:center;line-height:4rem}.content{width:94%;margin:0੖ auto}.row{background-color:#000000;width:100%;float:left;margin-bottom:.2rem;padding-left:.4rem;padding-right:.4rem;padding-bottom:.2rem;font-size:12px;line-height:2rem;box-shadow:0 -4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2) inset}.row.debug{color:#ffcc42}{color:#2d8cff}.row.warning{color:#ff6000}.row.error{color:#a00}.row.critical{color:#990aaa}.row .entry-container{width:100%}.row .time{width:12rem;height:2.0rem;float:left}.row .tag{width:14rem;height:2.0rem;float:left}.row .text{float:none;overflow:hidden}.row .stacktrace-container{width:100%;padding:.4rem}.row .value-container{background-color:#222;width:100%;margin-bottom:.4rem;padding:.4rem}.rowo .function-container{width:100%}.row .label{color:#b67745;width:6rem;height:2.0rem;float:left}.row .value{color:#95addd;float:none;overflow:hidden} .valueVar{color:#4874cb;float:none;overflow:hidden} Battle Brothers - Early Access - Build: 11:18:06 Core Initializing Resource Manager 11:18:06 Core Initializing Input Manager 11:18:06 Core Initializing Render Manager 11:18:06 Renderer Allocated Renderbuffer in excess of 3072kb. 11:18:06 Core Initializing Sound Manager 11:18:06 Thread Worker thread started 11:18:06 Core Initializing Scene Manager 11:18:06 Resource Loading: shaders/solid_pass0.fs 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/solid.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/solid.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/solid_pass0.fs 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/simple.fs 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/simple.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/simple.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/simple.fs 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/sprite.fs 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/sprite.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/sprite.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/sprite.fs 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/sprite_dof.fs 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/sprite_dof.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/sprite_dof.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/sprite_dof.fs 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/background.fs 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/background.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/background.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/background.fs 11:18:07 Core Initializing Script Manager 11:18:07 Core Initializing UI Manager 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/ui.fs 11:18:07 Resource Loading: shaders/ui.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/ui.vs 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: shaders/ui.fs 11:18:07 Core Initializing Input Action Manager 11:18:07 Core Initializing State Manager 11:18:07 Core Initializing Persistence Manager 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/debug.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/debug.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/debug.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/detail.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/detail.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/detail.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/effects_0.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/effects_0.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/effects_0.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/entity_0.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/entity_0.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_0.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/entity_1.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/entity_1.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_1.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/entity_2.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/entity_2.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_2.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/entity_3.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/entity_3.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_3.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/entity_icons.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/entity_icons.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/entity_icons.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/object_0.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/object_0.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/object_0.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/orientation_overlay.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/orientation_overlay.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/orientation_overlay.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/terrain.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/terrain.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/terrain.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/transitions.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/transitions.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/transitions.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/ui.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/ui.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/ui.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/world_detail.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/world_detail.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/world_detail.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/world_entity_0.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/world_entity_0.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/world_entity_0.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/world_tiles.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/world_tiles.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/world_tiles.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: brushes/world_weather.brush 11:18:07 Scene Finished adding all brushes from file: brushes/world_weather.brush 11:18:07 Resource Unloading: brushes/world_weather.brush 11:18:07 Resource Loading: gfx/world_tiles.png 11:18:07 Texture Texture "gfx/world_tiles.png" took up approximately 21824kb in video memory. 11:18:07 Resource Loading: gfx/terrain.png 11:18:07 Texture Texture "gfx/terrain.png" took up approximately 2728kb in video memory. 11:18:07 Resource Loading: gfx/transitions.png 11:18:07 Texture Texture "gfx/transitions.png" took up approximately 682kb in video memory. 11:18:07 Resource Parsed Resource Package "preload/on_start.txt" with 2 items. 11:18:07 Resource Started loading Resource Package "preload/on_start.txt". 11:18:07 Resource Loading: gfx/fonts/cinzel_bold_20.fnt 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/tools/weak_table_ref.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/config/global.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/config/ui.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/config/strings.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/config/spawnlist_master.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/config/ai.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/config/banners.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/config/character.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/config/character_backgrounds.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/config/character_heads.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:07 Script Script file "scripts/config/character_names.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/character_traits.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/contracts.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/faction.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/faction_bandits.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/faction_civilian.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/faction_greenskins.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/faction_military.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/faction_undead.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/items.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/options.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/perks.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/sound.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/spawnlist_bandits.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/spawnlist_beasts.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/spawnlist_orc.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/spawnlist_undead.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/tactical.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/tactical_attack_effects.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/tactical_entity_common.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/tactical_particles.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/tactical_skill_particles.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/tip_of_the_day.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world_ai.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world_assets.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world_entity_common.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world_location_names.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world_locations.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world_locations_inactive.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world_locations_ui.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world_particles.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world_parties.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/config/world_shoplist.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/allies/caravan_melee_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/allies/donkey_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/allies/military_melee_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/allies/militia_melee_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/allies/militia_ranged_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behavior.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_bow.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_crush_armor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_decapitate.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_default.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_knock_out.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_puncture.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_split.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_splitshield.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_swing.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_terror.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_attack_thresh.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_buff_command_undead.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_buff_howl.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_charge.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_darkflight.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_defend.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_defend_knock_back.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_defend_riposte.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_defend_rotation.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_defend_shieldwall.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_defend_spearwall.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_engage_melee.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_engage_ranged.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_flee.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_gruesome_feast.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_hide.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_hook.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_idle.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_keep_safe.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_line_breaker.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_protect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_raise_undead.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_reload.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_roam.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_switchto_melee.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_switchto_ranged.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/behaviors/ai_warcry.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/bandit_melee_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/bandit_ranged_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/ghost_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/ghoul_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/necromancer_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/orc_berserker_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/orc_skirmisher_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/orc_warlord_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/orc_warrior_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/orc_young_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/skeleton_guard_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/skeleton_melee_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/skeleton_ranged_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/vampire_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/werewolf_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/zombie_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/enemies/zombie_duke_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/idle_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/tactical/player_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/world_controller.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/ambusher_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/bandit_camp_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/caravan_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/castle_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/city_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/crypt_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/defender_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/garrison_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/guardtower_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/orc_camp_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/patrol_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/raider_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/roam_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/scout_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/agents/village_ai_agent.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/world_behavior.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_ambush.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_attack.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_flee.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_idle.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_migrate.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_patrol.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_raid.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_return_home.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_roam.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_scout.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_send_ambushers.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_send_builders.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_send_caravan.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_send_defenders.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_send_patrol.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_send_raiders.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_send_roamers.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_send_scouts.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_send_supplies.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/ai/world/behaviors/ai_world_trade.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/camera/tactical_camera_director.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/contracts/contract.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/contracts/contract_manager.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/contracts/destroy_bandit_camp_contract.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/contracts/destroy_inactive_location_contract.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/contracts/destroy_orc_camp_contract.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/contracts/discover_location_contract.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/contracts/errant_contract.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/contracts/escort_caravan_contract.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/contracts/exterminate_beasts_contract.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/contracts/tutorial_01_contract.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/entity.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/actor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/human.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/caravan_guard.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/caravan_hand.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/donkey.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/donkey_military.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/footman.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/footman_veteran.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/knight.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/militia.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/militia_captain.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/militia_ranged.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/militia_veteran.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/allies/sergeant.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/bandit_leader.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/bandit_marksman.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/bandit_raider.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/bandit_thug.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/ghost.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/ghoul.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/necromancer.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/orc_berserker.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/orc_warlord.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/orc_warrior.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/orc_young.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/skeleton.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/skeleton_bowman.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/skeleton_guard.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/skeleton_knight.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/werewolf.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/withered_vampire.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/zombie.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/zombie_duke.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/zombie_player.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/enemies/zombie_yeoman.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/faction_manager.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/boulder.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/boulder_bloody.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/boulder_forest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/brush_green.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/cart.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/cart_military.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/cartwheel.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/ruined_pillar.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/tree_forest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/tree_lush.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/tree_swamp.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/tree_trunk.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/objects/tree_trunk_forest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/player.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/tactical/player_corpse_stub.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/combat_manager.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/world_entity.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/party.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/enemies/bandit.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/enemies/orc.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/enemies/undead.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/enemies/werewolf_world.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/entity_manager.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations/bandit_camp.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations/castle.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations/city.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations/crypt.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations/guard_tower.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations/orc_camp.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations/village.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/bandit_hideout_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/black_monolith_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/buried_castle_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/graveyard_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/greenskin_camp_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/hideout_bandits_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/hideout_orcs_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/hideout_undead_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/mass_grave_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/necromancer_lair_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/orc_cave_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/ruins_bandits_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/ruins_orcs_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/ruins_undead_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/locations_inactive/vampire_coven_location.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/neutral/caravan.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/neutral/guards.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/neutral/militia.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/neutral/supply_caravan.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/entity/world/player_party.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/events/event_manager.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/item.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/accessory/accessory.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/ammo/ammo.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/ammo/quiver_of_arrows.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/ammo/quiver_of_bolts.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/armor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/basic_mail_shirt.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/coat_of_plates.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/coat_of_scales.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/enemy/orc_half_plate.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/enemy/orc_skirmisher_armor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/enemy/orc_warlord_plate.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/enemy/orc_young_leather_armor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/enemy/orc_young_leather_armor_pelt.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/enemy/skeleton_coat_of_plates.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/enemy/skeleton_rusty_mail.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/gambeson.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/heavy_lamellar_armor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/heraldic_mail.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/lamellar_harness.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/linen_tunic.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/mail_hauberk.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/mail_shirt.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/padded_leather.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:08 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/padded_surcoat.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/sackcloth.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/scale_armor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/tattered_sackcloth.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/armor/woven_tunic.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/helmet.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/aketon_cap.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/closed_flat_top_helmet.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/closed_flat_top_with_mail.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/closed_flat_top_with_neckguard.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/closed_mail_coif.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/enemy/necromancer_hood.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/enemy/orc_skirmisher_cap.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/enemy/orc_spangehelm.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/enemy/orc_warlord_rhino_helm.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/enemy/orc_young_executioner_hood.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/enemy/skeleton_full_helm.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/enemy/skeleton_helmet_with_neckguard.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/enemy/skeleton_hood.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/enemy/skeleton_mail_coif.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/enemy/skeleton_rusty_mail_coif.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/flat_top_helmet.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/flat_top_with_closed_mail.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/flat_top_with_mail.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/full_aketon_cap.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/full_helm.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/hood.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/kettle_hat.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/kettle_hat_with_closed_mail.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/kettle_hat_with_mail.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/mail_coif.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/nasal_helmet.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/nasal_helmet_with_mail.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/padded_flat_top_helmet.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/padded_kettle_hat.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/padded_nasal_helmet.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/reinforced_mail_coif.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/helmets/witchhunter_hat.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/item_container.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/misc/werewolf_pelt_item.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/shields/shield.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/shields/buckler_shield.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/shields/greenskins/orc_heavy_shield.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/shields/greenskins/orc_light_shield.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/shields/heater_shield.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/shields/kite_shield.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/shields/wooden_shield.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/shields/wooden_shield_old.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/shields/worn_kite_shield.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/stash_container.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/supplies/ammo_item.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/supplies/armor_parts_item.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/supplies/food_item.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/supplies/medicine_item.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/supplies/money_item.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/weapon.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/arming_sword.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/billhook.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/bludgeon.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/boar_spear.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/crossbow.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/dagger.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/falchion.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/fighting_axe.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/flail.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/greataxe.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/greatsword.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/greenskins/orc_axe.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/greenskins/orc_axe_2h.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/greenskins/orc_cleaver.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/greenskins/orc_flail_2h.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/greenskins/orc_javelin.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/hand_axe.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/hatchet.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/hunting_bow.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/knife.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/longsword.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/military_cleaver.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/militia_spear.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/scramasax.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/short_bow.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/shortsword.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/warhammer.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/winged_mace.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/items/weapons/wooden_stick.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/map_generator.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/map_template.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/tactical_template.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_bones.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_clearing.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_clearing_leveled.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_forest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_forest_fern_sea.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_forest_mushrooms.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_hill.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_hill_forest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_marshland.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_mound.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_ritual_site.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_stone_circle.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_stone_sea.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tactical_forest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tactical_forest_leaves.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tactical_plains.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tactical_swamp.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/template_canyon.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/template_clear_hill.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/template_combat_basics.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/template_defend_the_hill.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/template_swipe.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_clearing.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_dry_marshland.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_forest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_hill.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_hunting_grounds.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_marshland.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_plains.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_plains_clearing.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_plains_clearing_leveled.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_road.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_template.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/earth.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/forest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/grass.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/grass_forest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/road.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/swamp.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_badlands.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_farmland.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_forest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_forest_leaves.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_heath.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_highlands.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_hills.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_marshland.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_mountains.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_plains.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_snow.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_swamp.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/mapgen/templates/world/worldmap_generator.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/states/state.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/root_state.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_template.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_advanced_combat.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_canyon.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_combat_basics.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_combat_basics_orcs.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_defend_the_hill.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_early_game.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_line_battle.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_line_battle_orcs.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_swipe.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_test_bed.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/scenarios/tactical/scenario_vampire_hunt.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/skill.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/aimed_shot.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/bash.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/charge.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/chop.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/cleave.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/command_undead.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/crush_armor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/darkflight.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/debilitate.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/decapitate.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/evasion.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/flail_skill.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/footwork.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/ghastly_touch.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/ghoul_claws.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/gruesome_feast.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/hammer.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/hand_to_hand.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/hook.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/horrific_scream.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/impale.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/indomitable.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/knock_back.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/knock_out.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/lash.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/line_breaker.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/overhead_strike.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/perfect_focus.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/pound.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/puncture.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/quick_shot.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/raise_undead.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/rally_the_troops.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/reload_bolt.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/return_favor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/riposte.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/rotation.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/round_swing.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/shieldwall.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/shoot_bolt.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/slash.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/spearwall.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/split.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/split_man.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/split_shield.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/stab.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/swing.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/taunt.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/thresh.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/throw_javelin.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/thrust.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/warcry.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/werewolf_claws.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/werewolf_howl.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/actives/zombie_bite.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/character_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/adventurous_noble_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/apprentice_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/bastard_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/beggar_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/bowyer_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/brawler_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/butcher_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/caravan_hand_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/cultist_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/daytaler_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/deserter_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/disowned_noble_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/farmhand_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/fisherman_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/gambler_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/gravedigger_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/graverobber_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/hedge_knight_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/historian_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/hunter_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/juggler_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/killer_on_the_run_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/lumberjack_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/mage_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/mason_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/messenger_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/militia_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/miller_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/miner_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/minstrel_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/monk_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/peddler_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/pilgrim_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/poacher_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/raider_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/ratcatcher_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/refugee_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/retired_soldier_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/sellsword_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/servant_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/squire_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/swordmaster_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/thief_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/vagabond_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/wildman_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/backgrounds/witchhunter_background.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/berserker_rage_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/bleeding_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/captain_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/command_undead_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/debilitated_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/dodge_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/double_strike_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/gruesome_feast_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/indomitable_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/killing_frenzy_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/perfect_focus_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/return_favor_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/riposte_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/shieldwall_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/spearwall_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/stunned_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/taunt_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/effects/vengeance_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/items/generic_item.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_anticipation.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_artful_dodger.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_bags_and_belts.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_ballistics.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_battering_ram.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_battle_flow.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_battle_forged.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_berserk.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_between_the_eyes.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_bloody_harvest.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_boondock_blade.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_brawny.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_bruiser.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_bullseye.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_captain.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_close_combat_archer.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_colossus.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_crusher.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_debilitate.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_deflect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_devastating_strikes.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_dodge.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_double_strike.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_duelist.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_evade.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_executioner.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_fast_adaption.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_fearsome.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_feint.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_footwork.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_fortified_mind.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_full_force.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_head_hunter.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_hold_out.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_indomitable.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_inspiring_presence.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_ironside.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_killing_frenzy.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_last_stand.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_lookout.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_nimble.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_nine_lives.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_pathfinder.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_perfect_focus.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_push_the_advantage.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_quick_hands.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_rally_the_troops.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_rebound.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_return_favor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_rotation.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_shield_bash.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_shield_expert.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_slaughterer.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_stalwart.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_steadfast.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_steel_brow.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_student.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_sundering_strikes.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_taunt.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_trophy_hunter.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_vengeance.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_weapon_master.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/perks/perk_zweihander.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/racial/skeleton_racial.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/racial/vampire_racial.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/racial/werewolf_racial.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/skill_container.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/special/double_grip.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/special/morale_check.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/special/night_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/special/stats_collector.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/terrain/hidden_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/terrain/swamp_effect.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/character_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/asthmatic_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/athletic_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/bleeder_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/bloodthirsty_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/brave_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/bright_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/brute_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/clubfooted_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/clumsy_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/cocky_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/craven_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/dastard_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/deathwish_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/determined_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/dexterous_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/disloyal_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/drunkard_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/dumb_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/eagle_eyes_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/fainthearted_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/fat_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/fearless_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/founding_member_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/fragile_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/gluttonous_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/greedy_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/hesitant_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/insecure_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/iron_lungs_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/irrational_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/loyal_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/optimist_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/pessimist_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/quick_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/short_sighted_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/spartan_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/strong_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/superstitious_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/sure_footing_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:09 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/tiny_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/skills/traits/tough_trait.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/states/main_menu_state.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/states/tactical_state.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/states/world/asset_manager.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/states/world_state.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/tools/tag_collection.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/global/cursor.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/global/data_helper.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/global/menu_stack.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/character/character_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/loading/loading_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/menu/main_menu_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/menu/modules/campaign_menu_datasource_module.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/menu/modules/load_campaign_menu_module.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/menu/modules/main_menu_module.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/menu/modules/new_campaign_menu_module.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/menu/modules/options_menu_module.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/menu/modules/save_campaign_menu_module.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/menu/modules/scenario_menu_module.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/menu/tactical_menu_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/menu/world_menu_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tactical/modules/orientation_overlay/orientation_overlay.cnut"r loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tactical/modules/topbar/tactical_screen_topbar_event_log.cnut"o loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tactical/modules/topbar/tactical_screen_topbar_options.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tactical/modules/topbar/tactical_screen_topbar_round_information.cnut"1 loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tactical/modules/turn_sequence_bar/turn_sequence_bar.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tactical/tactical_combat_result_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tactical/tactical_flee_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tactical/tactical_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/tooltip_events.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/tooltip_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/dialogs/world_screen_combat_dialog_module.cnut"e loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_assets_module.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_datasource_module.cnut"n loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_daytime_module.cnut"s loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/topbar/world_screen_topbar_options_module.cnut"p loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_contract_screen/world_contract_datasource_module.cnut"t loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_contract_screen/world_contract_screen_dialog_module.cnut"c loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_game_finish_screen/world_game_finish_screen_datasource_module.cnut"s loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_game_finish_screen/world_game_finish_screen_dialog_module.cnut": loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_hire_dialog_module.cnut"p loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_shop_dialog_module.cnut"s loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/world_contract_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/world_event_popup_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/world_game_finish_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/world_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Script Script file "scripts/preload.cnut" loaded successfully. 11:18:10 Renderer Vendor: Intel 11:18:10 Renderer Device: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 11:18:10 Renderer Version: 3.0.0 - Build 11:18:10 Renderer Shader Version: 1.30 - Intel Build 11:18:10 Renderer Framebuffer Support: Yes 11:18:10 Texture Texture "gfx/fonts/cinzel_bold_20.png" took up approximately 256kb in video memory. 11:18:10 Resource Loading: gfx/ui.png 11:18:10 Texture Texture "gfx/ui.png" took up approximately 2730kb in video memory. 11:18:10 Resource Finished loading Resource Package "preload/on_start.txt". 11:18:11 UI Screen "RootScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:11 UI Screen "ConsoleScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:11 UI Screen "LoadingScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:11 UI Screen "TooltipScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:11 UI Screen "TacticalScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:11 UI Screen "TacticalCombatResultScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:11 UI Screen "TacticalFleeScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:11 UI Screen "WorldScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:11 UI Screen "WorldTownScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:12 UI Screen "WorldContractScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:12 UI Screen "WorldGameFinishScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:12 UI Screen "WorldEventPopupScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:12 UI Screen "MainMenuScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:12 UI Screen "WorldMenuScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:12 UI Screen "TacticalMenuScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:12 UI Screen "WorldCharacterScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:12 UI Screen "TacticalCharacterScreen" successfully registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.bones (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_bones) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.clearing (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_clearing) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.clearing_leveled (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_clearing_leveled) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.forest (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_forest) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.forest_fern_sea (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_forest_fern_sea) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.forest_mushrooms (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_forest_mushrooms) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.hill (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_hill) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.hill_forest (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_hill_forest) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.marshland (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_marshland) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.mound (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_mound) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.ritual_site (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_ritual_site) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.stone_circle (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_stone_circle) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.patch.stone_sea (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/patches/patch_stone_sea) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.forest (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tactical_forest) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.forest_leaves (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tactical_forest_leaves) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.plains (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tactical_plains) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.swamp (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tactical_swamp) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.canyon (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/template_canyon) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.clear_hill (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/template_clear_hill) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.combat_basics (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/template_combat_basics) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.defend_the_hill (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/template_defend_the_hill) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.swipe (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/template_swipe) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_clearing (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_clearing) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_dry_marshland (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_dry_marshland) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_forest (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_forest) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_hill (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_hill) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_hunting_grounds (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_hunting_grounds) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_marshland (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_marshland) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_plains (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_plains) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_plains_clearing (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_plains_clearing) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_plains_clearing_leveled (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_plains_clearing_leveled) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_road (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_road) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.test_template (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/test/test_template) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/earth) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.tile.forest (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/forest) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.tile.grass (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/grass) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.tile.grass_forest (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/grass_forest) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.tile.road (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/road) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: tactical.tile.swamp (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/tactical/tiles/swamp) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.badlands (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_badlands) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.farmland (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_farmland) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.forest (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_forest) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.forest_leaves (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_forest_leaves) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.heath (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_heath) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.highlands (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_highlands) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.hills (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_hills) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.marshland (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_marshland) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.mountains (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_mountains) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.plains (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_plains) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.snow (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_snow) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.tile.swamp (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/tiles/tile_swamp) registered. 11:18:12 SQ Map Template: world.worldmap_generator (Script: scripts/mapgen/templates/world/worldmap_generator) registered. 11:18:12 SQ RootState::onShow() 11:18:12 Resource Parsed Resource Package "preload/on_running.txt" with 213 items. 11:18:12 Resource Started loading Resource Package "preload/on_running.txt". 11:18:12 Resource Loading: gfx/entity_0.png 11:18:12 UI RootScreen::REGISTER 11:18:12 UI RootScreenVersionModule::REGISTER 11:18:13 Texture Texture "gfx/entity_0.png" took up approximately 21845kb in video memory. 11:18:13 Resource Loading: music/ 11:18:13 Resource Loading: gfx/entity_icons.png 11:18:13 UI LoadingScreen::REGISTER 11:18:13 UI TooltipScreen::REGISTER 11:18:13 Texture Texture "gfx/entity_icons.png" took up approximately 5461kb in video memory. 11:18:13 Resource Loading: gfx/effects_0.png 11:18:13 UI MainMenuScreen::REGISTER 11:18:13 UI MainMenuModule::REGISTER 11:18:13 UI LoadCampaignMenuModule::REGISTER 11:18:13 UI NewCampaignMenuModule::REGISTER 11:18:13 UI ScenarioMenuModule::REGISTER 11:18:13 UI OptionsMenuModule::REGISTER 11:18:13 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::REGISTER 11:18:13 UI OptionsMenuModuleAudioPanel::REGISTER 11:18:13 UI OptionsMenuModuleControlsPanel::REGISTER 11:18:13 UI OptionsMenuModuleGameplayPanel::REGISTER 11:18:13 Texture Texture "gfx/effects_0.png" took up approximately 21845kb in video memory. 11:18:13 Resource Loading: gfx/world_detail.png 11:18:14 Texture Texture "gfx/world_detail.png" took up approximately 43690kb in video memory. 11:18:14 Resource Loading: gfx/world_entity_0.png 11:18:14 Texture Texture "gfx/world_entity_0.png" took up approximately 10922kb in video memory. 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/body_fall_1.ogg 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/shield_broken.ogg 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/aimed_shot_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/aimed_shot_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/aimed_shot_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/armor_chainmail_impact_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/armor_chainmail_impact_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/armor_chainmail_impact_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/armor_halfplate_impact_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/armor_halfplate_impact_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/armor_halfplate_impact_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/armor_leather_impact_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/armor_leather_impact_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/armor_leather_impact_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/arrow_hit_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/arrow_hit_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/arrow_hit_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/arrow_miss_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/arrow_miss_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/arrow_miss_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bash_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bash_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bash_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bash_hit_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bash_hit_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bash_hit_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bolt_shot_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bolt_shot_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bolt_shot_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bolt_shot_hit_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bolt_shot_hit_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bolt_shot_hit_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bolt_shot_miss_01.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bolt_shot_miss_02.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bolt_shot_miss_03.wav 11:18:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/chop_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/chop_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/chop_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/chop_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/chop_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/chop_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hand_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hand_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hand_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hand_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hand_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hand_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/impale_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/impale_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/impale_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/impale_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/impale_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/impale_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/overhead_strike_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/overhead_strike_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/overhead_strike_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/overhead_strike_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/overhead_strike_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/overhead_strike_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/quick_shot_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/quick_shot_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/quick_shot_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/reload_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/reload_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/slash_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/slash_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/slash_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/slash_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/slash_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/slash_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/split_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/split_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/split_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/split_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/split_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/split_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/stab_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/stab_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/stab_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/stab_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/stab_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/stab_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/swing_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/swing_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/swing_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/swing_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/swing_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/swing_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thrust_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thrust_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thrust_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thrust_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thrust_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thrust_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hook_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hook_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hook_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hook_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hook_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hook_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/knockback_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/knockback_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/knockback_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/knockback_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/knockback_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/knockback_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/puncture_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/puncture_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/puncture_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/puncture_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/puncture_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/puncture_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/riposte_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/riposte_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/riposte_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/spearwall_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/spearwall_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/spearwall_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/shieldwall_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/shieldwall_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/shieldwall_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/split_shield_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/split_shield_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/split_shield_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_damage_taken_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_damage_taken_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_damage_taken_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_damage_taken_04.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_damage_taken_soft_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_damage_taken_soft_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_damage_taken_soft_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_dying_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_dying_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_dying_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_dying_04.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/bro_dying_05.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/cleave_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/cleave_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/cleave_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/cleave_hit_hitpoints_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/cleave_hit_hitpoints_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/cleave_hit_hitpoints_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/crush_armor_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/crush_armor_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/crush_armor_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/crush_armor_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/crush_armor_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/crush_armor_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/decapitate_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/decapitate_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/decapitate_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hammer_strike_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hammer_strike_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hammer_strike_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hammer_strike_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hammer_strike_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/hammer_strike_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/round_swing_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/round_swing_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/round_swing_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/round_swing_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/round_swing_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/round_swing_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/javelin_throw_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/javelin_throw_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/javelin_throw_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/javelin_miss_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/javelin_miss_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/javelin_miss_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/javelin_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/javelin_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/javelin_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thresh_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thresh_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thresh_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thresh_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thresh_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/thresh_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/pound_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/pound_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/pound_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/pound_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/pound_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/pound_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/flail_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/flail_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/flail_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/flail_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/flail_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/flail_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/lash_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/lash_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/lash_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/lash_hit_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/lash_hit_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/lash_hit_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/weapon_break_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/rotation_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/footwork_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/return_favor_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/perfect_focus_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/rally_the_troops_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/new_round_01.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/new_round_02.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/new_round_03.wav 11:18:15 Resource Loading: sounds/scribble.wav 11:19:53 SQ Init World State! 11:19:53 SQ Load campaign: FINALEs 11:19:53 Scene Finished loading scene. 11:19:53 SQ contract activated: contract.escort_caravan 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.errant 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.errant 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.errant 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.errant 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.errant 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:19:53 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:19:53 Resource Loading: gfx/world_weather.png 11:19:54 Texture Texture "gfx/world_weather.png" took up approximately 43690kb in video memory. 11:19:54 UI WorldScreen::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldScreenTopbarOptionsModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldScreenTopbarDayTimeModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldScreenTopbarAssetsModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldScreenActiveContractPanelModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldContractContentModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI CombatDialogModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldContractScreen::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldContractScreenDialogModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldContractContentModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldContractButtonsModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldTownScreen::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldTownScreenMainDialogModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldTownScreenHireDialogModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldTownScreenShopDialogModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldContractScreenDialogModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldContractContentModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldContractButtonsModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI WorldEventPopupScreen::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI IngameMenuScreen::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI MainMenuModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI LoadCampaignMenuModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI SaveCampaignMenuModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI OptionsMenuModule::REGISTER 11:19:54 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleAudioPanel::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleControlsPanel::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleGameplayPanel::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI WorldGameFinishScreen::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI WorldGameFinishScreenDialogModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreen::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelHeaderModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenPaperdollModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenSkillsModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenStatsModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelHeaderModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenInventoryListModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenPerksModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenBrothersListModule::REGISTER 11:19:55 UI CharacterScreenBattleStartFooterModule::REGISTER 11:19:57 Resource Loading: music/ 11:19:57 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:20:18 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:20:18 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:20:19 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 11:20:20 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 11:20:21 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:20:21 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 11:20:22 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:20:23 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:20:24 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 11:20:25 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:20:26 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 11:20:27 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 11:20:28 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 11:20:29 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:20:32 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:20:34 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:20:39 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:20:39 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:20:41 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:20:52 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:21:01 SQ Location entered: Guardian's Keep 11:21:01 UI ERROR: Failed to query hire roster data. Reason: Invalid result. 11:21:05 Resource Loading: music/ 11:21:05 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:21:26 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 13) 11:22:36 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:22:38 Resource Loading: music/ 11:22:38 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:22:43 SQ contract added: contract.errant 11:22:43 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:22:44 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:22:47 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:22:47 SQ contract added: contract.errant 11:22:50 SQ contract added: contract.errant 11:22:54 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:23:06 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:23:19 SQ Location entered: Langenthal 11:23:23 Resource Loading: music/ 11:23:23 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:23:43 Resource Loading: music/ 11:23:43 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:25:57 UI ERROR: Perk could not be unlocked. Not enough perk points. 11:28:23 Resource Loading: music/ 11:28:23 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:31:10 Resource Loading: music/ 11:31:10 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:37:16 Resource Loading: music/ 11:37:16 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:39:27 SQ Save campaign: FINALEs 11:39:32 Scene Finished saving scene. 11:39:36 SQ Location entered: Langenthal 11:39:40 Resource Loading: music/ 11:39:40 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:40:20 SQ contract activated: contract.escort_caravan 11:40:59 Resource Loading: music/ 11:40:59 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:41:15 SQ contract added: contract.errant 11:41:19 SQ contract added: contract.discover_location 11:41:39 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:41:49 SQ contract added: contract.errant 11:41:59 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:42:21 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 11:42:29 SQ Save campaign: autosave 11:42:33 Scene Finished saving scene. 11:42:33 SQ WorldState::onHide 11:42:33 UI TacticalScreen::REGISTER 11:42:33 UI TacticalScreenTurnSequenceBarModule::REGISTER 11:42:33 UI TacticalScreenOrientationOverlayModule::REGISTER 11:42:33 UI TacticalScreenTopbarEventLogModule::REGISTER 11:42:33 UI TacticalScreenTopbarRoundInformationModule::REGISTER 11:42:33 UI TacticalScreenTopbarOptionsModule::REGISTER 11:42:33 Resource Loading: gfx/detail.png 11:42:33 Texture Texture "gfx/detail.png" took up approximately 5461kb in video memory. 11:42:33 Resource Loading: gfx/object_0.png 11:42:33 Texture Texture "gfx/object_0.png" took up approximately 2730kb in video memory. 11:42:34 Resource Loading: gfx/orientation_overlay.png 11:42:34 Texture Texture "gfx/orientation_overlay.png" took up approximately 512kb in video memory. 11:42:34 Resource Loading: gfx/entity_3.png 11:42:34 Texture Texture "gfx/entity_3.png" took up approximately 1365kb in video memory. 11:42:34 Resource Loading: sounds/atmosphere/forest_01.wav 11:42:34 SQ TACTICAL: STASH LOCKED: true 11:42:34 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 1 11:42:34 Resource Started loading Resource Package "Temporary Tactical Resources". 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreen::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelHeaderModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenPaperdollModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenSkillsModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenStatsModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelHeaderModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenInventoryListModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenPerksModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenBrothersListModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI CharacterScreenBattleStartFooterModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI TacticalFleeScreen::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI IngameMenuScreen::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI MainMenuModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI LoadCampaignMenuModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI SaveCampaignMenuModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI OptionsMenuModule::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI OptionsMenuModuleAudioPanel::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI OptionsMenuModuleControlsPanel::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI OptionsMenuModuleGameplayPanel::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI TacticalCombatResultScreen::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenStatisticsPanel::REGISTER 11:42:34 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenLootPanel::REGISTER 11:42:37 Resource Loading: music/ 11:42:38 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:43:46 SQ Skill [Hidden] removed from [Alfred]. 11:44:43 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Spearwall] on target [Bjarni the Deserter] 11:44:43 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Spearwall 11:45:05 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:45:05 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 11:45:12 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Shieldwall] on target [Burkhard] 11:45:12 SQ Burkhard uses skill Shieldwall 11:45:21 SQ [Rupert] executes skill [Chop] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:45:21 SQ Rupert uses skill Chop 11:45:21 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 2 11:45:34 SQ [Volker] executes skill [Impale] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:45:34 SQ Volker uses skill Impale 11:45:53 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Spearwall] on target [Otto] 11:45:53 SQ Otto uses skill Spearwall 11:45:54 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Shieldwall] on target [Otto] 11:45:54 SQ Otto uses skill Shieldwall 11:46:06 SQ Caravan Guard uses skill Thrust 11:46:36 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Aimed Shot] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:46:36 SQ Alfred uses skill Aimed Shot 11:46:40 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Chop 11:46:42 SQ Skill [Spearwall] removed from [Bjarni the Deserter]. 11:46:45 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Spearwall] on target [Bjarni the Deserter] 11:46:45 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Spearwall 11:46:50 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Burkhard]. 11:46:53 SQ Skill [Hidden] removed from [Burkhard]. 11:46:56 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Shieldwall] on target [Burkhard] 11:46:56 SQ Burkhard uses skill Shieldwall 11:47:00 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Knock Out 11:47:01 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Knock Out 11:47:06 SQ [Rupert] executes skill [Chop] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:47:06 SQ Rupert uses skill Chop 11:47:06 SQ Bandit Thug has died. 11:47:16 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Shieldwall 11:47:18 SQ Skill [Stunned] removed from [Volker]. 11:47:18 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7320 not found. 11:47:18 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7320 not found. 11:47:27 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:47:27 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 11:47:30 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:47:30 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 11:47:44 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 3 11:47:47 SQ Caravan Hand uses skill Stab 11:47:51 SQ Caravan Hand uses skill Slash 11:48:01 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Slash 11:48:02 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Slash 11:48:04 SQ Caravan Guard uses skill Shieldwall 11:48:05 SQ Caravan Guard uses skill Thrust 11:48:08 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Chop 11:48:09 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Chop 11:48:12 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Slash 11:48:13 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Slash 11:48:38 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Aimed Shot] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:48:38 SQ Alfred uses skill Aimed Shot 11:48:47 SQ [Volker] executes skill [Impale] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:48:47 SQ Volker uses skill Impale 11:48:47 SQ Bandit Thug has died. 11:48:56 SQ [Rupert] executes skill [Chop] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:48:56 SQ Rupert uses skill Chop 11:49:00 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Chop 11:49:00 Script VM collected 1 object(s) and deleted them. 11:49:01 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Chop 11:49:02 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Burkhard]. 11:49:10 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Chop] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:49:10 SQ Burkhard uses skill Chop 11:49:21 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:49:21 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 11:49:24 SQ Skill [Spearwall] removed from [Bjarni the Deserter]. 11:49:33 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:49:33 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Thrust 11:49:35 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Bandit Thug]. 11:49:35 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Shieldwall 11:49:36 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Thrust 11:49:38 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Otto]. 11:49:38 SQ Skill [Spearwall] removed from [Otto]. 11:49:44 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:49:44 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 11:49:44 SQ Bandit Thug has died. 11:49:46 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:49:46 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 11:50:12 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 4 11:50:13 SQ Caravan Hand uses skill Stab 11:50:14 SQ Caravan Hand uses skill Stab 11:50:17 SQ Bandit Thug has died. 11:50:17 SQ TurnSequenceBar::initNextTurn(Locked: true First: 1 Last: 7 Entities: 14) 11:50:19 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Chop 11:50:22 SQ Caravan Hand uses skill Slash 11:50:23 SQ Caravan Hand uses skill Slash 11:50:23 SQ Bandit Thug has died. 11:50:26 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Slash 11:50:27 SQ Bandit Thug uses skill Slash 11:50:27 SQ Caravan Hand has died. 11:50:39 SQ [Rupert] executes skill [Chop] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:50:39 SQ Rupert uses skill Chop 11:50:40 SQ [Rupert] executes skill [Chop] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:50:40 SQ Rupert uses skill Chop 11:50:45 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Chop] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:50:45 SQ Burkhard uses skill Chop 11:50:45 SQ Bandit Thug has died. 11:50:45 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Bandit Thug]. 11:50:48 SQ Skill [Hidden] removed from [Burkhard]. 11:51:02 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Aimed Shot] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:51:02 SQ Alfred uses skill Aimed Shot 11:51:04 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Caravan Guard]. 11:51:12 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:51:12 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 11:51:13 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:51:13 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 11:51:17 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:51:17 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 11:51:19 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Bandit Thug] 11:51:19 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 11:51:19 SQ Bandit Thug has died. 11:51:27 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 5 11:51:29 SQ Caravan Hand uses skill Stab 11:51:29 Script VM collected 1 object(s) and deleted them. 11:51:30 SQ Caravan Hand uses skill Stab 11:51:30 SQ Bandit Thug has died. 11:51:30 Resource Unloading: gfx/orientation_overlay.png 11:51:31 Script VM collected 17 object(s) and deleted them. 11:51:34 Resource Loading: music/ 11:51:34 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:52:01 SQ ScenarioState::onSiblingSentMessage(TacticalFromWorldState : AboutToFinish); 11:52:01 SQ WorldState::onSiblingSentMessage(TacticalFromWorldState : AboutToFinish); 11:52:01 SQ ScenarioState::onSiblingSentMessage(WorldState : FullyLoaded); 11:52:01 SQ World::onCombatFinished 11:52:01 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 11:52:01 SQ TacticalState::onFinish 11:52:03 Resource Unloading: gfx/entity_3.png 11:52:03 Resource Unloading: gfx/object_0.png 11:52:03 Resource Unloading: gfx/detail.png 11:52:03 Resource Unloading Resource Package "Temporary Tactical Resources". 11:52:03 UI IngameMenuScreen::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI MainMenuModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI LoadCampaignMenuModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI SaveCampaignMenuModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI OptionsMenuModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI OptionsMenuModuleControlsPanel::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI OptionsMenuModuleGameplayPanel::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI TacticalFleeScreen::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreen::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelHeaderModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenPaperdollModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenSkillsModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenStatsModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelHeaderModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenInventoryListModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenPerksModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenBrothersListModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 UI CharacterScreenBattleStartFooterModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:03 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 11:52:04 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 11:52:04 UI TacticalScreen::UNREGISTER 11:52:04 UI TacticalScreenTurnSequenceBarModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:04 UI TacticalScreenOrientationOverlayModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:04 UI TacticalScreenTopbarEventLogModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:04 UI TacticalScreenTopbarRoundInformationModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:04 UI TacticalScreenTopbarOptionsModule::UNREGISTER 11:52:04 UI TacticalCombatResultScreen::UNREGISTER 11:52:04 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenStatisticsPanel::UNREGISTER 11:52:04 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenLootPanel::UNREGISTER 11:52:05 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 11:52:05 Resource Loading: music/ 11:52:05 Resource Unloading: music/ 11:58:11 Resource Loading: music/ 11:58:11 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:00:58 Resource Loading: music/ 12:00:59 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:01:19 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 27) 12:02:35 UI Stash -> Stash (swap) 12:03:23 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:03:23 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:03:24 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:03:25 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:03:26 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:03:27 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:03:28 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:03:35 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:03:36 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:03:37 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:03:38 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:03:38 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:03:39 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:03:40 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:03:41 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:03:42 SQ contract removed: contract.discover_location 12:03:42 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:03:43 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:03:44 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:03:45 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:03:46 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:03:55 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:03:59 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:04:01 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:04:06 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:04:08 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:04:23 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:04:24 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_bandit_camp 12:04:26 SQ Location entered: Heidemark 12:04:30 Resource Loading: music/ 12:04:31 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:05:18 SQ You hired: Theoderich 12:07:14 UI Stash -> Stash (swap) 12:07:26 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 8) 12:07:33 UI Stash -> Stash (swap) 12:07:39 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 10) 12:08:00 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 9) 12:08:23 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 18) 12:08:41 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 19) 12:09:21 SQ contract activated: contract.errant 12:09:25 Resource Loading: music/ 12:09:25 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:09:25 Resource Loading: music/ 12:09:26 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:09:26 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:10:14 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:10:20 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:10:24 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:10:41 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:10:41 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:10:47 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:10:57 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:10:57 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:11:08 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:11:16 SQ Location entered: Langenthal 12:11:20 Resource Loading: music/ 12:11:20 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:14:30 SQ contract activated: contract.escort_caravan 12:14:55 SQ You hired: Hallstein 12:17:00 SQ contract added: contract.exterminate_beasts 12:17:01 Resource Loading: music/ 12:17:01 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:17:15 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:17:16 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:17:22 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:17:37 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:17:48 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:18:13 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:19:01 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:19:31 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:19:49 Resource Loading: music/ 12:19:49 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:20:01 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:20:29 SQ Location entered: Tadeln 12:20:33 Resource Loading: music/ 12:20:33 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:22:14 SQ You hired: Bertolf 12:24:04 SQ contract activated: contract.escort_caravan 12:24:12 Resource Loading: music/ 12:24:12 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:24:25 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:25:42 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:25:49 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:25:50 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:25:55 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:27:59 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 12:28:03 Resource Loading: music/ 12:28:03 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:30:09 SQ contract activated: contract.exterminate_beasts 12:30:16 Resource Loading: music/ 12:30:17 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:30:37 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:30:50 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:30:56 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:31:01 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:31:03 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:31:07 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:31:10 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:31:12 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:31:18 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:31:20 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:31:27 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:31:27 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:31:30 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:31:30 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:31:34 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:31:35 SQ contract added: contract.exterminate_beasts 12:32:18 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:32:20 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:32:25 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:32:31 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 12:32:35 Resource Loading: music/ 12:32:35 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:32:39 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:32:50 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:32:50 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:32:50 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:33:12 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:33:13 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:33:14 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:33:21 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:33:23 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:33:24 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:33:25 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:33:57 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:34:08 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:35:24 Resource Loading: music/ 12:35:25 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:35:31 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:35:50 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 12:35:51 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 12:35:52 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 12:35:54 Resource Loading: music/ 12:35:54 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:35:56 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:35:58 Resource Loading: music/ 12:35:59 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:36:05 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:36:23 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:36:54 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_bandit_camp 12:37:12 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:37:15 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:37:49 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:38:21 SQ Location entered: Heidemark 12:38:26 Resource Loading: music/ 12:38:26 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:39:07 Resource Loading: music/ 12:39:08 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:39:16 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:39:16 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:39:18 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:39:19 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:39:23 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:39:24 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:39:34 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:39:35 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:40:02 SQ Location entered: Tadeln 12:40:06 Resource Loading: music/ 12:40:06 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:40:10 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 12:40:10 Resource Loading: music/ 12:40:11 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:40:11 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:40:25 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:40:43 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:41:21 SQ Location entered: Heidemark 12:41:25 Resource Loading: music/ 12:41:25 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:42:36 SQ Save campaign: autosave 12:42:38 Scene Finished saving scene. 12:42:38 SQ WorldState::onHide 12:42:39 UI TacticalScreen::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI TacticalScreenTurnSequenceBarModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI TacticalScreenOrientationOverlayModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI TacticalScreenTopbarEventLogModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI TacticalScreenTopbarRoundInformationModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI TacticalScreenTopbarOptionsModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 Resource Loading: gfx/detail.png 12:42:39 Texture Texture "gfx/detail.png" took up approximately 5461kb in video memory. 12:42:39 Resource Loading: gfx/object_0.png 12:42:39 Texture Texture "gfx/object_0.png" took up approximately 2730kb in video memory. 12:42:39 Resource Loading: gfx/entity_2.png 12:42:39 Texture Texture "gfx/entity_2.png" took up approximately 5461kb in video memory. 12:42:39 Resource Loading: gfx/orientation_overlay.png 12:42:39 Texture Texture "gfx/orientation_overlay.png" took up approximately 512kb in video memory. 12:42:39 SQ TACTICAL: STASH LOCKED: true 12:42:39 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 1 12:42:39 Resource Started loading Resource Package "Temporary Tactical Resources". 12:42:39 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_hurt_01.wav 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreen::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelHeaderModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenPaperdollModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenSkillsModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenStatsModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelHeaderModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenInventoryListModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenPerksModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenBrothersListModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI CharacterScreenBattleStartFooterModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI TacticalFleeScreen::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI IngameMenuScreen::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI MainMenuModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI LoadCampaignMenuModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI SaveCampaignMenuModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI OptionsMenuModule::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI OptionsMenuModuleAudioPanel::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI OptionsMenuModuleControlsPanel::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI OptionsMenuModuleGameplayPanel::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI TacticalCombatResultScreen::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenStatisticsPanel::REGISTER 12:42:39 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenLootPanel::REGISTER 12:42:39 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_hurt_02.wav 12:42:39 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_hurt_03.wav 12:42:39 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_hurt_04.wav 12:42:39 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_hurt_05.wav 12:42:39 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_01.wav 12:42:39 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_02.wav 12:42:39 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_03.wav 12:42:39 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_04.wav 12:42:39 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_05.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_06.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_flee_03.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_flee_05.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_flee_06.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_01.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_02.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_03.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_04.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_05.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_06.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_charge_01.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_charge_02.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_charge_03.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/orc_charge_04.wav 12:42:40 Resource Loading: music/ 12:42:40 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:43:11 SQ Skill [Hidden] removed from [Bjarni the Deserter]. 12:43:38 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:43:38 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 12:44:05 Script VM collected 2 object(s) and deleted them. 12:44:08 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Shieldwall] on target [Burkhard] 12:44:08 SQ Burkhard uses skill Shieldwall 12:44:13 SQ Orc Young uses skill Charge 12:44:18 SQ Orc Young uses skill Charge 12:44:25 SQ Orc Young uses skill Charge 12:44:41 SQ [Theoderich] executes skill [Slash] on target [Orc Young] 12:44:41 SQ Theoderich uses skill Slash 12:45:10 SQ [Hallstein] executes skill [Aimed Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:45:10 SQ Hallstein uses skill Aimed Shot 12:45:15 SQ [Bertolf] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:45:15 SQ Bertolf uses skill Quick Shot 12:45:17 SQ [Bertolf] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:45:17 SQ Bertolf uses skill Quick Shot 12:45:21 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Spearwall] on target [Bjarni the Deserter] 12:45:21 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Spearwall 12:45:26 SQ Skill [Stunned] removed from [Volker]. 12:45:26 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7320 not found. 12:45:26 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7320 not found. 12:45:27 SQ Skill [Stunned] removed from [Otto]. 12:45:27 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7319 not found. 12:45:27 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7319 not found. 12:45:28 SQ Skill [Stunned] removed from [Rupert]. 12:45:28 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7311 not found. 12:45:28 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7311 not found. 12:45:35 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 2 12:45:40 SQ [Volker] executes skill [Impale] on target [Orc Young] 12:45:40 SQ Volker uses skill Impale 12:45:54 SQ [Theoderich] executes skill [Slash] on target [Orc Young] 12:45:54 SQ Theoderich uses skill Slash 12:45:56 SQ [Theoderich] executes skill [Slash] on target [Orc Young] 12:45:56 SQ Theoderich uses skill Slash 12:46:03 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Orc Young] 12:46:03 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 12:46:09 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Shieldwall] on target [Otto] 12:46:09 SQ Otto uses skill Shieldwall 12:46:15 SQ [Rupert] executes skill [Chop] on target [Orc Young] 12:46:15 SQ Rupert uses skill Chop 12:46:15 SQ Orc Young has died. 12:46:25 SQ [Rupert] executes skill [Shieldwall] on target [Rupert] 12:46:25 SQ Rupert uses skill Shieldwall 12:46:37 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:46:37 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 12:46:38 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:46:38 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 12:47:01 SQ [Hallstein] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:47:01 SQ Hallstein uses skill Quick Shot 12:47:05 SQ Orc Young uses skill Charge 12:47:05 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Otto]. 12:47:06 SQ Orc Young uses skill Chop 12:47:15 SQ [Bertolf] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:47:15 SQ Bertolf uses skill Quick Shot 12:47:17 SQ [Bertolf] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:47:17 SQ Bertolf uses skill Quick Shot 12:47:21 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Burkhard]. 12:47:25 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Shieldwall] on target [Burkhard] 12:47:25 SQ Burkhard uses skill Shieldwall 12:47:26 SQ Skill [Spearwall] removed from [Bjarni the Deserter]. 12:47:28 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Spearwall] on target [Bjarni the Deserter] 12:47:28 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Spearwall 12:47:29 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Shieldwall] on target [Bjarni the Deserter] 12:47:29 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Shieldwall 12:47:31 SQ Orc Young uses skill Charge 12:47:38 SQ Orc Young uses skill Chop 12:47:39 SQ Orc Young uses skill Chop 12:47:41 Script VM collected 1 object(s) and deleted them. 12:47:42 SQ Orc Young uses skill Split Shield 12:47:43 SQ Orc Young uses skill Split Shield 12:48:02 Resource Loading: music/ 12:48:02 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:48:07 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 3 12:48:18 SQ [Theoderich] executes skill [Slash] on target [Orc Young] 12:48:18 SQ Theoderich uses skill Slash 12:48:26 SQ [Volker] executes skill [Impale] on target [Orc Young] 12:48:26 SQ Volker uses skill Impale 12:48:26 SQ Orc Young has died. 12:48:45 SQ [Hallstein] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:48:45 SQ Hallstein uses skill Quick Shot 12:48:47 SQ [Hallstein] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:48:47 SQ Hallstein uses skill Quick Shot 12:48:49 SQ Orc Young uses skill Charge 12:48:51 SQ Orc Young uses skill Charge 12:48:51 SQ Skill [Hidden] removed from [Orc Young]. 12:49:06 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:49:06 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 12:49:07 SQ Skill [Stunned] removed from [Otto]. 12:49:07 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7319 not found. 12:49:07 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7319 not found. 12:49:08 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Burkhard]. 12:49:10 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Shieldwall] on target [Burkhard] 12:49:10 SQ Burkhard uses skill Shieldwall 12:49:14 SQ Orc Young uses skill Shieldwall 12:49:15 SQ Orc Young uses skill Cleave 12:49:17 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Rupert]. 12:49:22 SQ [Rupert] executes skill [Chop] on target [Orc Young] 12:49:22 SQ Rupert uses skill Chop 12:49:39 SQ [Bertolf] executes skill [Aimed Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:49:39 SQ Bertolf uses skill Aimed Shot 12:49:40 SQ Orc Young has died. 12:49:41 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Bjarni the Deserter]. 12:49:41 SQ Skill [Spearwall] removed from [Bjarni the Deserter]. 12:49:44 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Spearwall] on target [Bjarni the Deserter] 12:49:44 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Spearwall 12:49:47 SQ Orc Young uses skill Shieldwall 12:49:48 SQ Orc Young uses skill Split Shield 12:50:03 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 4 12:50:10 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Orc Young] 12:50:10 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 12:50:12 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Orc Young] 12:50:12 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 12:50:12 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Orc Young]. 12:50:16 SQ [Theoderich] executes skill [Slash] on target [Orc Young] 12:50:16 SQ Theoderich uses skill Slash 12:50:16 SQ Orc Young has died. 12:50:17 SQ [Theoderich] executes skill [Slash] on target [Orc Young] 12:50:17 SQ Theoderich uses skill Slash 12:50:22 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Orc Young] 12:50:22 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 12:50:22 SQ Orc Young has died. 12:50:24 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Orc Young] 12:50:24 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 12:50:27 SQ [Volker] executes skill [Impale] on target [Orc Young] 12:50:27 SQ Volker uses skill Impale 12:50:46 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Burkhard]. 12:50:50 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Chop] on target [Orc Young] 12:50:50 SQ Burkhard uses skill Chop 12:50:56 SQ [Rupert] executes skill [Chop] on target [Orc Young] 12:50:56 SQ Rupert uses skill Chop 12:50:56 SQ Orc Young has died. 12:50:56 SQ Skill [Shieldwall] removed from [Orc Young]. 12:51:05 SQ Orc Young uses skill Charge 12:51:05 SQ Skill [Hidden] removed from [Orc Young]. 12:51:06 SQ Skill [Spearwall] removed from [Bjarni the Deserter]. 12:51:06 Script VM collected 5 object(s) and deleted them. 12:51:06 SQ Orc Young uses skill Split Shield 12:51:08 SQ Skill [Stunned] removed from [Bjarni the Deserter]. 12:51:08 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7313 not found. 12:51:08 UI ERROR: Failed to update entity. Reason: Entity id: 7313 not found. 12:51:16 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Aimed Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:51:16 SQ Alfred uses skill Aimed Shot 12:51:22 SQ [Hallstein] executes skill [Aimed Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:51:22 SQ Hallstein uses skill Aimed Shot 12:51:34 SQ [Bertolf] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Orc Young] 12:51:34 SQ Bertolf uses skill Quick Shot 12:51:35 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 5 12:51:45 SQ [Volker] executes skill [Impale] on target [Orc Young] 12:51:45 SQ Volker uses skill Impale 12:51:51 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Orc Young] 12:51:51 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 12:51:57 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Chop] on target [Orc Young] 12:51:57 SQ Burkhard uses skill Chop 12:51:58 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Chop] on target [Orc Young] 12:51:58 SQ Burkhard uses skill Chop 12:51:58 SQ Orc Young has died. 12:51:58 Resource Unloading: gfx/orientation_overlay.png 12:52:00 Script VM collected 11 object(s) and deleted them. 12:52:02 Resource Loading: music/ 12:52:02 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:52:54 SQ ScenarioState::onSiblingSentMessage(TacticalFromWorldState : AboutToFinish); 12:52:54 SQ WorldState::onSiblingSentMessage(TacticalFromWorldState : AboutToFinish); 12:52:54 SQ ScenarioState::onSiblingSentMessage(WorldState : FullyLoaded); 12:52:54 SQ World::onCombatFinished 12:52:54 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:52:54 SQ TacticalState::onFinish 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: gfx/entity_2.png 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: gfx/object_0.png 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: gfx/detail.png 12:52:55 Resource Unloading Resource Package "Temporary Tactical Resources". 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_hurt_01.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_hurt_02.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_hurt_03.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_hurt_04.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_hurt_05.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_01.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_02.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_03.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_04.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_05.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_death_06.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_flee_03.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_flee_05.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_flee_06.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_01.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_02.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_03.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_04.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_05.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_idle_06.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_charge_01.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_charge_02.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_charge_03.wav 12:52:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/orc_charge_04.wav 12:52:55 UI IngameMenuScreen::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI MainMenuModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI LoadCampaignMenuModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI SaveCampaignMenuModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI OptionsMenuModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleControlsPanel::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleGameplayPanel::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI TacticalFleeScreen::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreen::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelHeaderModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenPaperdollModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenSkillsModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenStatsModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelHeaderModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenInventoryListModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenPerksModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenBrothersListModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI CharacterScreenBattleStartFooterModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI TacticalScreen::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI TacticalScreenTurnSequenceBarModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI TacticalScreenOrientationOverlayModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI TacticalScreenTopbarEventLogModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI TacticalScreenTopbarRoundInformationModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI TacticalScreenTopbarOptionsModule::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI TacticalCombatResultScreen::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenStatisticsPanel::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenLootPanel::UNREGISTER 12:52:55 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:52:56 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:52:57 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:52:58 Resource Loading: music/ 12:52:58 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:52:58 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 12:52:59 SQ contract removed: contract.exterminate_beasts 12:52:59 SQ contract added: contract.errant 12:53:00 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:53:01 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 12:53:02 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 12:53:03 SQ contract added: contract.discover_location 12:53:22 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 11) 12:53:59 UI Backpack -> Paperdoll (sourceItemIdx: 0) 12:54:03 UI Backpack -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 19) 12:54:10 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 20) 12:54:13 UI Stash -> Stash (swap) 12:54:14 UI Stash -> Stash (swap) 12:55:18 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 9) 12:55:45 Resource Loading: music/ 12:55:46 Resource Unloading: music/ 12:56:22 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 4) 12:56:44 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 30) 12:56:55 UI Stash -> Stash (swap) 12:57:04 UI Paperdoll::dropHandler: Item must be the same slot type! 12:57:04 UI Inventory::dragEndHandler: Failed to drop item. Not allowed. 12:57:07 UI Paperdoll::dropHandler: Item must be the same slot type! 12:57:07 UI Inventory::dragEndHandler: Failed to drop item. Not allowed. 12:57:09 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 3) 12:57:13 UI Paperdoll::dropHandler: Item must be the same slot type! 12:57:13 UI Inventory::dragEndHandler: Failed to drop item. Not allowed. 12:59:11 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 29) 13:01:51 Resource Loading: music/ 13:01:51 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:06:10 UI equip item: 73839829 13:06:30 Resource Loading: music/ 13:06:31 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:06:53 UI equip item: 73839829 13:06:56 UI Inventory::dropHandler: Item must be the same slot type! 13:06:56 UI Paperdoll::dragEndHandler: Failed to drop item. Not allowed. 13:06:58 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 21) 13:06:58 UI Stash -> Stash (swap) 13:07:00 UI Stash -> Stash (swap) 13:07:02 UI Paperdoll -> Stash | Ground (targetIdx: 30) 13:07:05 UI Stash -> Stash (swap) 13:07:08 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:07:09 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:07:10 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:07:11 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:07:12 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:07:13 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:07:14 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:07:14 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:07:15 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:07:16 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:07:17 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:07:47 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:07:48 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:07:49 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:07:49 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 13:07:53 Resource Loading: music/ 13:07:53 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:08:19 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:08:20 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:08:21 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:08:22 Resource Loading: music/ 13:08:23 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:08:24 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 13:08:28 Resource Loading: music/ 13:08:28 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:08:35 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:09:34 SQ contract added: contract.discover_location 13:09:41 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 13:09:45 Resource Loading: music/ 13:09:45 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:10:01 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:10:04 Resource Loading: music/ 13:10:04 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:10:05 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:10:12 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:10:13 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:10:14 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:10:22 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:10:25 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:10:26 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:10:29 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:10:39 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:10:43 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:10:52 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:10:54 SQ Location entered: Black Boar Lair 13:10:58 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:11:00 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:11:10 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:11:29 SQ contract added: contract.exterminate_beasts 13:11:37 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:11:40 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:11:44 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:11:56 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:13:10 SQ Save campaign: autosave 13:13:13 Scene Finished saving scene. 13:13:13 SQ WorldState::onHide 13:13:13 UI TacticalScreen::REGISTER 13:13:13 UI TacticalScreenTurnSequenceBarModule::REGISTER 13:13:13 UI TacticalScreenOrientationOverlayModule::REGISTER 13:13:13 UI TacticalScreenTopbarEventLogModule::REGISTER 13:13:13 UI TacticalScreenTopbarRoundInformationModule::REGISTER 13:13:13 UI TacticalScreenTopbarOptionsModule::REGISTER 13:13:13 Resource Loading: gfx/detail.png 13:13:13 Texture Texture "gfx/detail.png" took up approximately 5461kb in video memory. 13:13:13 Resource Loading: gfx/object_0.png 13:13:14 Texture Texture "gfx/object_0.png" took up approximately 2730kb in video memory. 13:13:14 Resource Loading: gfx/orientation_overlay.png 13:13:14 Texture Texture "gfx/orientation_overlay.png" took up approximately 512kb in video memory. 13:13:14 SQ TACTICAL: STASH LOCKED: true 13:13:14 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 1 13:13:14 Resource Started loading Resource Package "Temporary Tactical Resources". 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_death_01.wav 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreen::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelHeaderModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenPaperdollModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenSkillsModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenStatsModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelHeaderModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenInventoryListModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenPerksModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenBrothersListModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI CharacterScreenBattleStartFooterModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI TacticalFleeScreen::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI IngameMenuScreen::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI MainMenuModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI LoadCampaignMenuModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI SaveCampaignMenuModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI OptionsMenuModule::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI OptionsMenuModuleAudioPanel::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI OptionsMenuModuleControlsPanel::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI OptionsMenuModuleGameplayPanel::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI TacticalCombatResultScreen::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenStatisticsPanel::REGISTER 13:13:14 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenLootPanel::REGISTER 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_death_02.wav 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_death_03.wav 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_death_04.wav 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_flee_01.wav 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_flee_02.wav 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_01.wav 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_02.wav 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_03.wav 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_hit_01.wav 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_hit_02.wav 13:13:14 Resource Loading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_hit_03.wav 13:13:17 Resource Loading: music/ 13:13:18 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:13:26 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:13:27 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:13:50 SQ Bertolf has died. 13:14:02 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Werewolf] 13:14:02 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 13:14:03 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Werewolf] 13:14:03 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 13:14:13 SQ Skill [Hidden] removed from [Volker]. 13:14:46 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Werewolf] 13:14:46 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 13:14:47 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Werewolf] 13:14:47 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 13:15:08 SQ [Rupert] executes skill [Chop] on target [Werewolf] 13:15:08 SQ Rupert uses skill Chop 13:15:12 SQ [Hallstein] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Werewolf] 13:15:12 SQ Hallstein uses skill Quick Shot 13:15:22 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 2 13:15:23 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:15:24 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:15:25 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:15:25 SQ Rupert has died. 13:15:30 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:15:36 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:15:37 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:15:38 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:15:40 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:15:41 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:15:42 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:15:51 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Werewolf] 13:15:51 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Thrust 13:15:53 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Werewolf] 13:15:53 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Thrust 13:16:05 SQ [Volker] executes skill [Hook] on target [Werewolf] 13:16:05 SQ Volker uses skill Hook 13:16:05 SQ Missed! 13:16:26 SQ [Theoderich] executes skill [Cleave] on target [Werewolf] 13:16:26 SQ Theoderich uses skill Cleave 13:16:28 SQ [Theoderich] executes skill [Cleave] on target [Werewolf] 13:16:28 SQ Theoderich uses skill Cleave 13:16:32 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Chop] on target [Werewolf] 13:16:32 SQ Burkhard uses skill Chop 13:16:34 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Chop] on target [Werewolf] 13:16:34 SQ Burkhard uses skill Chop 13:16:45 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Werewolf] 13:16:45 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 13:16:46 SQ Werewolf has died. 13:16:47 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Werewolf] 13:16:47 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 13:16:50 Script VM collected 2 object(s) and deleted them. 13:16:51 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Werewolf] 13:16:51 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 13:16:52 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Werewolf] 13:16:52 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 13:17:01 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 3 13:17:03 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:04 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:05 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:08 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:09 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:10 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:12 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:12 SQ Hallstein has died. 13:17:13 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:14 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:15 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:18 Script VM collected 1 object(s) and deleted them. 13:17:18 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:19 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:20 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:17:24 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Werewolf] 13:17:24 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 13:17:26 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Werewolf] 13:17:26 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 13:17:34 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Werewolf] 13:17:34 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Thrust 13:17:35 SQ [Bjarni the Deserter] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Werewolf] 13:17:35 SQ Bjarni the Deserter uses skill Thrust 13:17:39 SQ [Volker] executes skill [Impale] on target [Werewolf] 13:17:39 SQ Volker uses skill Impale 13:17:47 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Chop] on target [Werewolf] 13:17:47 SQ Burkhard uses skill Chop 13:17:48 SQ [Burkhard] executes skill [Chop] on target [Werewolf] 13:17:48 SQ Burkhard uses skill Chop 13:18:10 SQ [Theoderich] executes skill [Decapitate] on target [Werewolf] 13:18:10 SQ Theoderich uses skill Decapitate 13:18:19 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Werewolf] 13:18:19 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 13:18:21 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Werewolf] 13:18:21 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 13:18:24 Script VM collected 1 object(s) and deleted them. 13:18:24 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Puncture] on target [Werewolf] 13:18:24 SQ Reimar uses skill Puncture 13:18:33 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 4 13:18:35 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:18:36 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:18:37 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:18:41 SQ Werewolf has died. 13:18:41 SQ TurnSequenceBar::initNextTurn(Locked: true First: 1 Last: 7 Entities: 10) 13:18:42 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:18:43 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:18:44 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:18:47 SQ Werewolf has died. 13:18:47 SQ TurnSequenceBar::initNextTurn(Locked: true First: 2 Last: 8 Entities: 9) 13:18:52 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Werewolf] 13:18:52 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 13:18:53 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Werewolf] 13:18:53 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 13:18:55 SQ [Volker] executes skill [Impale] on target [Werewolf] 13:18:55 SQ Volker uses skill Impale 13:19:10 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Werewolf] 13:19:10 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 13:19:12 SQ [Alfred] executes skill [Quick Shot] on target [Werewolf] 13:19:12 SQ Alfred uses skill Quick Shot 13:19:16 SQ [Theoderich] executes skill [Decapitate] on target [Werewolf] 13:19:16 SQ Theoderich uses skill Decapitate 13:19:19 SQ [Reimar] executes skill [Stab] on target [Werewolf] 13:19:19 SQ Reimar uses skill Stab 13:19:19 SQ Werewolf has died. 13:19:35 SQ INFO: Next round issued: 5 13:19:36 Script VM collected 3 object(s) and deleted them. 13:19:36 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:19:37 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:19:38 SQ Werewolf uses skill Werewolf Claws 13:19:47 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Werewolf] 13:19:47 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 13:19:48 SQ [Otto] executes skill [Thrust] on target [Werewolf] 13:19:48 SQ Otto uses skill Thrust 13:19:50 SQ [Volker] executes skill [Impale] on target [Werewolf] 13:19:50 SQ Volker uses skill Impale 13:19:50 SQ Werewolf has died. 13:19:50 Resource Unloading: gfx/orientation_overlay.png 13:19:52 Script VM collected 3 object(s) and deleted them. 13:19:55 Resource Loading: music/ 13:19:55 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:20:54 SQ ScenarioState::onSiblingSentMessage(TacticalFromWorldState : AboutToFinish); 13:20:54 SQ WorldState::onSiblingSentMessage(TacticalFromWorldState : AboutToFinish); 13:20:54 SQ ScenarioState::onSiblingSentMessage(WorldState : FullyLoaded); 13:20:54 SQ World::onCombatFinished 13:20:54 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:20:54 SQ TacticalState::onFinish 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: gfx/object_0.png 13:20:55 Resource Unloading Resource Package "Temporary Tactical Resources". 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_death_01.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_death_02.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_death_03.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_death_04.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_flee_01.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/enemies/werewolf_flee_02.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_01.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_02.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_03.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_hit_01.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_hit_02.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: sounds/combat/werewolf_claw_hit_03.wav 13:20:55 Resource Unloading: gfx/detail.png 13:20:55 UI IngameMenuScreen::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI MainMenuModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI LoadCampaignMenuModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI SaveCampaignMenuModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI OptionsMenuModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleVideoPanel::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleControlsPanel::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI OptionsMenuModuleGameplayPanel::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI TacticalFleeScreen::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreen::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenLeftPanelHeaderModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenPaperdollModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenSkillsModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenStatsModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenRightPanelHeaderModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenInventoryListModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenPerksModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenBrothersListModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI CharacterScreenBattleStartFooterModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI TacticalScreen::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI TacticalScreenTurnSequenceBarModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI TacticalScreenOrientationOverlayModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI TacticalScreenTopbarEventLogModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI TacticalScreenTopbarRoundInformationModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI TacticalScreenTopbarOptionsModule::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI TacticalCombatResultScreen::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenStatisticsPanel::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 UI TacticalCombatResultScreenLootPanel::UNREGISTER 13:20:55 SQ contract removed: contract.discover_location 13:20:56 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:20:57 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:20:58 Resource Loading: music/ 13:20:59 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:20:59 SQ contract removed: contract.discover_location 13:21:00 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:21:01 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:21:02 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:21:03 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:21:04 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:21:05 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:21:06 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:21:07 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:21:08 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:21:09 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:21:18 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:21:19 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 13:21:23 Script Error the index 'getName' does not exist Function: onBuildBulletpoints -> scripts/contracts/exterminate_beasts_contract.nut : 179 Variables: items = Array, this = Table Function: convertContractToUIData -> scripts/ui/global/data_helper.nut : 124 Variables: result = Table, _contract = Table, this = Table Function: showContractDialog -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 254 Variables: _contract = Table, this = Table Function: town_screen_main_dialog_module_onContractClickRegionClicked -> scripts/states/world_state.nut : 1388 Variables: _contractID = 0, this = Table Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nutc : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:23 Resource Loading: music/ 13:21:23 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:21:26 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:26 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuto : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:27 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:27 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nutn : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:28 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:29 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:29 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuto : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:29 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nut : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:29 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nut : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:31 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:31 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:33 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:34 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:36 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:36 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:21:36 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:37 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:37 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:21:39 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:39 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, sourceItemOwner = 20, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:39 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:21:40 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:43 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:44 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:45 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:47 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:21:48 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:21:48 Script Error the index '1' does not exist Function: onQueryEntityTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 180 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:48 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 13:21:48 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:48 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:49 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:50 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:50 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:50 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:52 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:52 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:52 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:52 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:21:53 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:55 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, sourceItemOwner = 13, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:55 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:21:56 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:57 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:58 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:58 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:59 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:21:59 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuto : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:01 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuts : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:01 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuti : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:02 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:02 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nute : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:03 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:03 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nut1 : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:03 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:03 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nut2 : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:04 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:04 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nutV : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:04 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:04 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nutV : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:05 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:05 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nutV : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:05 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:05 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nut : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:06 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:06 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nut : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:06 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:06 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nut : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:06 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:07 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:10 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:18 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:20 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:21 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:21 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:22:22 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:22 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:22 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:22:23 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:23 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:23 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:22:24 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:24 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:22:24 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:24 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:22:24 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:24 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:22:24 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:24 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:22:24 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:24 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:22:32 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:36 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:37 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:22:38 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:22:38 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:22:39 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:22:40 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:22:42 Resource Loading: music/ 13:22:42 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:22:56 SQ Save campaign: BUG finale 13:22:59 Scene Finished saving scene. 13:23:07 SQ contract removed: contract.exterminate_beasts 13:23:08 Script Error the index '1' does not exist Function: onQueryEntityTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 180 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:08 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:23:08 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 13:23:08 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:08 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:09 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:12 Resource Loading: music/ 13:23:12 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:23:12 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:14 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:15 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:15 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:18 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:19 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:20 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:20 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:20 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:22 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:22 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:23 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:23 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:23 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:23 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:23 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:23 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:23 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:23 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:23 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:23 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:24 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:24 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:24 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:24 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:24 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:24 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:24 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:24 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:24 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:24 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:25 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:25 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:27 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:28 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:30 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:30 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:32 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:32 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:32 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:33 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:33 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:33 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:33 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:33 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:33 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:34 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:34 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:34 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:34 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, sourceItemOwner = 2, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:34 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:34 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:34 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:34 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:35 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, sourceItemOwner = 7, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:35 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:35 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:36 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:36 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:36 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:37 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:37 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:37 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:37 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:37 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:38 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:23:38 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:23:39 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:17 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:17 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:17 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx =, sourceItemOwner = Null, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:17 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:29:18 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, sourceItemOwner = 12, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:18 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:29:19 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:19 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, sourceItemOwner = 13, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:19 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:29:19 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIItemTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 230 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:20 Script Error the index '3' does not exist Function: onSwapItem -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 455 Variables: targetItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, sourceItemOwner = 7, sourceItemIdx = world-town-screen-shop-dialog-module.stash, _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:20 UI ERROR: Failed to swap item. Invalid data result #1. 13:29:21 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:22 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:23 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:29:24 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:34:43 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:34:46 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:34:57 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:02 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:06 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:07 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:07 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:36:08 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:14 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:15 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:36:16 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:36:17 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:36:18 Resource Loading: music/ 13:36:18 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:36:29 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:36:30 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:36:34 SQ contract added: contract.discover_location 13:36:38 SQ Location entered: Ulhart 13:36:38 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:38 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:39 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:40 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:42 Resource Loading: music/ 13:36:42 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:36:45 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:47 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:49 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:50 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:55 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:56 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:59 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:36:59 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:37:00 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:37:01 Resource Loading: music/ 13:37:02 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:37:09 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:37:17 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:37:25 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_bandit_camp 13:37:26 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:37:39 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:37:40 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:37:43 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:37:48 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:37:53 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:37:53 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:37:57 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:38:06 Script Error the index '1' does not exist Function: onQueryEntityTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 180 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:38:06 Script Error the index '1' does not exist Function: onQueryEntityTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 180 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:38:09 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:38:11 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_bandit_camp 13:38:46 SQ contract added: contract.exterminate_beasts 13:39:05 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_bandit_camp 13:39:17 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:39:33 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:40:01 SQ Location entered: Heidemark 13:40:01 Resource Loading: music/ 13:40:01 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:40:01 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:01 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:09 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:10 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:11 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:17 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:17 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:17 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:18 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:18 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:19 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:19 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:19 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:19 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:19 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:19 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:19 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:19 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:19 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:19 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:19 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:20 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:20 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:20 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:20 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:20 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:20 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:20 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:40:20 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:22 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:22 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:22 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:25 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:27 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:29 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:29 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nutU : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:30 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:30 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:31 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:31 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:31 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nutu : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:32 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuti : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:32 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuti : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:32 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuto : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:32 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:32 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuto : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:33 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuto : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:33 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onContractClickRegionPressed -> scripts/ui/screens/world/modules/world_town_screen/world_town_screen_main_dialog_module.nuto : 172 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:33 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:40:37 Resource Loading: music/ 13:40:37 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:41:32 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:42:15 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:42:19 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:43:40 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:43:41 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:44:38 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:45:45 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:45:48 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:45:57 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:46:01 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:46:06 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:46:07 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:46:11 SQ contract removed: contract.discover_location 13:46:17 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:46:18 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:46:19 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:46:28 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:46:36 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:46:37 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:46:44 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:46:57 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:46:59 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:47:01 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:47:03 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:47:06 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:47:11 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:47:16 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:47:27 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:47:28 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:47:28 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:47:50 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:48:05 SQ contract removed: contract.exterminate_beasts 13:48:05 SQ contract added: contract.exterminate_beasts 13:48:10 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:48:18 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:48:36 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:48:37 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:48:38 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:48:49 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:48:52 SQ contract removed: contract.errant 13:48:57 SQ contract removed: contract.escort_caravan 13:48:58 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:49:11 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:49:16 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:49:25 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_inactive_location 13:49:40 SQ contract added: contract.escort_caravan 13:49:43 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:49:49 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:50:13 SQ contract removed: contract.destroy_bandit_camp 13:50:21 SQ contract added: contract.destroy_bandit_camp 13:50:23 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:50:42 SQ contract added: contract.errant 13:50:59 Script Error the index '1' does not exist Function: onQueryEntityTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 180 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:50:59 SQ Location entered: Heidemark 13:50:59 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:50:59 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onQueryItemList -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 431 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:01 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:03 Resource Loading: music/ 13:51:03 Resource Unloading: music/ 13:51:04 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:05 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:05 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:05 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:51:05 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:05 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:51:06 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:06 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:51:06 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:06 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:51:06 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:06 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:51:06 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:06 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:51:06 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:06 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:51:07 Script Error the index '0' does not exist Function: onHireRosterEntry -> scripts/ui/screens/world/world_town_screen.nut : 378 Variables: town = Table, _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:07 UI ERROR: Failed to hire roster entry. Invalid data result #1. 13:51:07 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table 13:51:08 Script Error the index '2' does not exist Function: onQueryUIElementTooltipData -> scripts/ui/screens/tooltip/modules/tooltip.nut : 217 Variables: _data = Array, this = Table