That is awesome! I see that you really put much time in thinking and writing all of these ideas…
I have a few objections however…
About points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7:
1.That idea of nets backfireing seems pointless… The idea of professionally trained soldiers trapping themselves… I would say only if they have the clumsy trait…
The ability to cut the net… seems nice!
2.To have a giant sword that deals 100 damage (insta-kill on most humans) that also can ignore armor… Seems too overpowered…
3.This is one of my favorites! I would say however that those contracts should only be available when the settlement is under attack…
4.I would say 4 levels is too much! Maybe 2 at most… They are hedge knights, not old swordsmen…
5.Removing the cap… I don’t think would be a good idea (at least not any time soon)… With the increase, I agree… Maybe level 15 – 17 at most for now…
6.I love the idea of big monsters (ogres, trolls, yetis, giants etc)… No complains here…
7.I just see no use for mounts… In the world map, sure! They could increase your speed… On the battlefield… What?… Horses aren’t killing machines as far as I know…
8.Why not? That sounds good!