Reply To: A little frustrated

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Lvlups were static in the version before the update and people complained that it was too boring.
They bring back variable lvlups, now it’s too random :P.

Honestly I don’t see too much of a differece. Some guys are slightly worse, some are sligthly better than before. Lvl 11 brother in end game gear is pretty unkillable anyway, even if you get +1 to mdef on every lvlup.

In my game all my guys that are lvl 10 from poor to mid tier backgrounds have around 70 melee atk (70, 69, 65, 74, 74, 65, 69). Considering avg guy from these backgrounds starts with above 50 melee skill, it’s a little bit below guaranteed 2 we had before. But I skipped melee skill on some levels when I rolled 1, thinking it gets rerolled on another level up. However, it seems that all rolls are created on recruitment and you need to pick a skill if you want to progress through the rolls. So if I lvled correctly at lvl 11 it would more or less average to 2 per lvlup.

Are you guys actually picking the skills you want to level? Or if you see 1 you pick another skill? Because it seems that 1 won’t go away until you pick it.