Reply To: Beta 22.02.17 feedback

Avatar photoWargasm

— It’s always seemed to me that repairing items at an armourer is either as expensive or more expensive than buying the tools to repair them (though I suppose you’d get the benefit of miraculous instant repair) …

— If you want to carry more items, it sounds like you might have to take recourse to hiring some “specialist reserves” and just giving them the Bags&Belts perk so that they can carry extra stuff for you (since Caravan Hands always seem to have such shit combat skills, despite supposedly being “used to long and exhausting travels”, they could be used for this purpose – especially if they might also be part of an event to increase inventory size) …

— I haven’t encountered the necro-savants yet, but they sound vampire-esque and maybe the strategy of Adrenaline, Fast Adaptation, Backstabber and Stun would be effective against them …

— What should happen if a ghoul swallows one of your guys but then a pikeman gives the ghoul a “stabbed guts” injury (logic suggests that your guy ought to get hurt/injured as well)?