Reply To: Paul´s Art Corner

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Sorry for offtop! Im fan of this game and news of future dlc give second wind to me!1. I think game needed normal tower shield, thats will looked wonderfool with new options, and if you raise effective of spears -it added new working builds and increase gamers pleasure (real shieldwall agains orcs- soooo coool).2 add 3-5 banners for our company- its very important somethink simple banners black sun maybe or cool skull or eagle. 3. game Having so many monsters and so little variations of people. All items have 1 style and one very important item(helment like a viking) is rare. game have Only two helment in game in many variations. If i want create viking company or Mahakam army from witcher or many other variant i will cry. But this game a fantastic. Thank you for attention!