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To be fair, I defy you to find a game that lets you save mid combat. I really cannot think of many (some, but certainly not many).
…I get the whole wasting my time argument… but hey, welcome to the world of gaming!?!?! F*** I don’t even wish to dwell upon the amount of minutes, hours, days and years I’ve wasted playing video games. But do I care? NO!
From personal experience you can either have a life, or play video games, theres not much room for both
Jokes aside, I wouldn’t have a problem with saving during battles; so long as Ironman mode saved after each and every combat turn.
In the TBS genre? It depends largely on how the battle systems work, but of the games that I know of and have separate battle/campaign portions the way Battle Brothers has I can think of a few. I may be wrong about a few, as some of these games I haven’t played in some time, so feel free to call me out on any that I mistakenly put up.
Jagged Alliance I believe had in battle saves, but I don’t recall for certain.
X-Com Had in battle saves, but not in battle loading.
X-Com: Terror from the Deep In battle saves, no in battle loading.
X-Com: Apocalypse I’m pretty sure had the same sort of set up as its precursors, but I am admittedly less certain.
Jagged Alliance 2 This one I might be wrong about actually, but I’m sure that someone can correct me about it.
Silent Storm
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Although people around here seem to dislike it for some reason.
You’re right in that the list isn’t large, but it is hardly unprecedented. It’s also a pretty short list of games that spend a substantial amount of time in both a battle map and a world map though, so it’s a short list all around. I don’t think that “Other games don’t allow saving mid battle” is the strongest argument to be made against it though :P.