Reply To: Questions on RP elements and character progression

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More to this game than tactical combat regarding the character traits, you mean? Good question, but I don’t have a good answer yet. It would depend on whether we can come up with traits that influence the strategic gameplay in intuitive and meaningful ways, enough so to justify blurring the lines between tactical and strategic elements on this.

Well, that shouldn’t be hard. I mean for example fat brothers could require more food on strategic map, while keen-eyed could give scouting bonuses.
And traits don’t have to be all beneficial or all bad. For example there might be a tactical benefit to being fat – there’s a bigger chance you’ll block a missile fired by an enemy into a brother who’s standing behind you. :D Triple that if a character hiding behind you is himself tiny. ;)

We’d like to. The game is engineered in a way that modding support could be added without any substantial changes necessary. It’s still work, though, writing a documentation, extending the scripting API beyond our own immediate needs, making sure our tools can be used by anyone, etc. Our priority therefore is to our core game first, but we’ll keep modding support in mind and might attend to it later depending on community demand and, well, budgetary feasibility.

Sounds good!
Will you start a crowdfunding campaign at some point? Or can we just somehow preorder?

And another question: When shall we see some battle sisters? :)