Before Goblins i had two werewolf hides…so i suppose you can…
Who can carry Masterwork bow??? Never seen it in game…
Nobody. Its not drop. Its made by event. You need level up boyer at last to level 6. For me its happened on level 11 after some time(like day 60). You can change guy name to some what you want your Masterbow named. I call one boyer a Sharpshooter and second Marksman so I get Sharpshooter’s Masterwork Bow.
I was thinking that drop from bandit leader is the same as Werewolf Armour made by event. But its looks like they are different. So now I am levelling a tailor.

Psen art is amazing like always.
With the amount of unique weapons I gather in my recent game my company definitely need a rent a warehouse to store some of them.
It would be cool to make have some sort of place to store surplus items and soldiers(for a cash).