Battle won but soldiers lost.
Thing is that I can’t retrieve their weapons. Armors or headgear yes but not weapons or shields.
I play on deadly and with semi Ironman mode so its make game even harder.
It happen again.
Guys died with hatchet and shield. His armor destroyed but hood remain, weapon adn shield dissapear(dont appear on loot screan).
I attach log file.
Another fight.
Lost two soldiers.
Archer and one footmen.
Again no weapon&shields recovered. Sidearm carried&spare arrows also lost.
Attached log file.
New start.
Lost one guy, he didnt drop his shield&weapons on the ground.
I didnt mention his eariel but this happen in all this situations.
Enemy drop their stuff normally.
Anyone else have this same problem?
Thanks for your hard work.
BTW I notice that enemy who died from bleeding effects don’t drop items from their hands either(not sure about armour or helmets but I think that they don’t drop it either).
I add log files.
Also screenshoot – dead orc don’t drop bags.