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Thanks for reply. I really appreciate this.
Good to hear that you gonna make knife different. Hope that you don’t drop dagger(I really like them) and add some higher tier one(like Rondel Dagger).
#Rondel daggers presentation by Lindybeige
##This guy have a lot presentation of different medieval and ancient weapons. I recommended to check him(he is sometimes funny but always know things he talk about).
Idea for double slashing is that knifes are ineffective against heavy armour. So you can slash body really fast but against armour it is ineffective and tiring. You can’t really use mace or axe in similar way(if you hit somebody with mace you lose momentum).
##I really like idea for investing perks into additional skills for weapons.
Like Swords mastery perk:
It add 10% chance to hit, make it lose durability half fast, and let you use Riposte(its example real things can wary).
Maybe even additional tree with Weapon mastery?
##The other thing is that I was thinking about dropping previous perk requirement for 2 and 3 Tier level perks and add stats requirement for all perks.
So your soldier will not need 3 1st level perks from offence tree to get some from 2nd Tier but say a perk need a soldier have minimum amount of specific statistic(like 100 Initiative and 50 Melee skills).
It Will definitely allow for different build and make some secondary stats more important.
## Spear even without a repel is decent weapon. Good chance of hit, low cost of fatigue and fairly good efficiency against armour. Also spears should be on affordable level weapons(its a stick with a little of metal on one side, any blacksmith can make it, when sword or good axe is harder to make).
##I like idea of pike having only 2 range reach. It make it for interesting weapon choice.
I think that Billhook stay. Its infantry weapon.
#### Thing about adding some more diversity about human enemies is that can be (probably) done by low effort. You have all graphic all you need is table of equipment for them and placing them on Parties table. I am correct?
So more detailed bandits troopers:
*Poacher – lower version of Marksman(Marksman will get buffed – better armed and armored)
*Marauder – tier between Thug and Raider(better armed than Thug but worse than Raider)
*Spearthrower – young orc armed with javelins, mostly for hunting and scout parties
### I still fancy idea of making orc weapon worthless for a human faction. So player can loot it and use but people will not pay for it. Instead I propose a bounty for dead orcs(orcs ears or hands drop similar to werewolfs pelt). It kinda make more sense for me but its just me.
*Matriarch – this one is more tricky because it need graphic set, this enemy will be strong melee combatant with possibility to buff morale of other lesser ghouls,
#Now ghouls are total pushovers. Matriarch will buff them a little.
#Maybe adding a Poisonous Bite skill for ghouls will help a little(it can cause additional damage over time or lower stats for a battle)
### Possibly a idea ## Places of combat(bodies) stay some time on map – on night horde of ghouls come from their den and eat the bodies/carry bodies to den which help them increase their numbers. If left unopposed and there is plenty of fighting around their numbers grow and then they became more aggressive. Its kind of idea of very numerous but not so strong enemy, who only became at night or with large numbers.
*Alpha wolf – kinda like Matriarch for ghouls – the bigger stronger and with a commanding presence, it can make werewolfs a real pain in the ass. Also he have really nice and worthy fur.
Good to hear that you consider possibility to take more quest. That is good news indeed.
more quests can be balanced by reputation drop as you say but also for bonus cash if quest is done in fast time.
#Delivery quest:
-if done in 1 day – normal pay plus bonus cash
-if done in 2 days(normal time) – normal pay
-if done in 3 days – half the pay(small drop in reputation make sense delivery is late)
-if not done in 3 times – no pay and drop in reputation
#Escort quest:
-if nobody died – normal pay plus bonus
-if somebody died but no cart destroyed/mule killed – normal pay
-if one of mule killed(but there was more than one) – half the pay and loss of reputation
-if caravan destroyed – no pay and drop in reputation
I notice that somebody complain about AI behavior on Global Map. I agree. Enemy tend to pursuit no matter what. AI parties should have some sort of rules and targets. Bandits want to get rich and go back to camp drink booze and play dice not to pursuit some armed party few days and nights like madmans.
I have some ideas about AI behavior and economy. I can drop them somewhere if anyone is interested in them. Nothing special but maybe it can be helpful in getting some new ideas.
Thanks for reading this and comments always welcome.