Reply To: Nothing to do

Avatar photoRusBear

Undoubtedly, everyone is waiting for content. The content is always good. Viking helmets and armor decorated with the wolf fur – I would have bought it already as DLS with red boots for 1.99( if you know what I mean… ) But the most important thing for me in games is the foundation – which either gives me entertain himself or not. And it already depends from the bright minds of the developers and no graphics , shaders and sexy girls here will not help. Battle brothers have such a basis. I am interested to play game: tactics, mechanics, I enjoy these beautiful faces of my boys and the wonderful sound of flies head bandit. I picked men in my company only with the “correct” – so I liked the background. Armed exclusively with axes and spears. Wore the same helmets, had built a wall of shields equip all swords and set all on the counter attack – I’m talking about what the game allows you to entertain yourself – if you can – and that’s fine. It is a pity that at the moment – 11 level high. I feel that my good warriors could achieve a lot more :)