Topic: Awesome DLC!

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  • #23828
    Avatar photojuanval

    Congrats to you BB guys again. After playing more than 500 hours, 2 days ago I decided to start again a new campaign, this time with DLC improvements.

    Battles against spiders are superb. I haven’t tried to fight vs. new beasts yet.
    Crafting is great. I crafted a necklace and a wolf pelt mantle :D
    New missions are nice, and I see that cargo missions are solved now in a more interesting way ;)
    Raiders are more dangerous now with those 2 handed incredible weapons.
    And I like the town events, and the new soundtrack.

    What a fantastic game. Thanks for make original BB even better.

    Avatar photojpinard

    Yep – I love it too!

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