Meet Wilderich the Farmer – a simple battle bro with no survivor trait or nine lives perk.
During the battle against orcs he was Cleaved with Head Chopper and received Bleeding, several turns later reached negative HP due to it and “died” on his own turn. The battle log said he “has fallen”, though in Log File it was listed as “is unconscious”.
Nobody stopped the bleeding for him or tried to save him, thinking he was dead already.. That was turn 7.
When it was turn 12 battle ended and quick roll call made apparent that he was still barely alive with 1 HP, though ‘Missing Ear‘.
Strangely enough, he had all his ears when he was last standing. No Injuries or anything.

Attached save before / after and log file.
Also, would like to make a few suggestions:
– tooltip for Bleeding should say how much HP will be lost each turn (for now it only mention cryptic “additional damage” and number of turns).
– when Bleeding damage applied battle log says “‘s body is hit for 10 damage” should be changed for the sake of clarity to “bled out for 10 damage” or “has bleeding for 10 damage”, or “had bleeding inflict 10 damage”, or ” had lost 10 health due to bleeding”.. anything but hit.
– Log File could benefit from listing all damage and injuries inflicted/received. It would certainly help in this case..