Topic: crash report

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  • #2119
    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Thanks for your great game

    Here is a crash report :
    it happened during the load of a battle. Context : protect caravan mission, caravan get attacked by a weak bandit, I go help them, caravan was in a forest, battle is loading, crash window does pop (screenshot attached)

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    I do have this error from the forum :
    Upload Errors:

    log.html: Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.

    here is the log.txt

    Avatar photoRap

    Glad you like the game despite the crash. I may have fixed the issue now, but it’s hard to say for sure in this case as I wasn’t able to reproduce the problem. We’ll update the game on Steam once we’ve collected a few more fixes.

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    Avatar photoiason

    Well that would be a very quick fix. Cool. (Even if we have to wait a little till you put it on steam).
    I really hope you can take care of those random crashes. Thats the only thing (well and the loot screen problem ;) ) that bothers me atm.

    A really great and fun game so far. And with all the planned features it will be really awesome. Great work.

    Avatar photoRap

    It’s an interesting problem to have, but the game runs great for me and doesn’t crash at all. Makes my life quite difficult tonight fixing those issues ;)

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    Avatar photoSylvanus1987

    Another Crash when i join a battle Between Soldier’s from a castle and Werewolvies , this game is soo great and difficult i really love’s it , count with me for anything!!

    Avatar photoSylvanus1987

    I notice the crash happens when you want to load the game inside any running one , if you go out to menu and load you can do it without problems , instead of that is a little mess to do it always you want to continue it. Hope helps anyone ^^

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