Topic: Critical exception while starting -> programm terminated

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  • #16331
    Avatar photoilprincipe

    1. Describe the bug and how it happened: What did you do before and while it appeared?
    I installed battle brothers and then clicked on the Battle Brothers Icon :D
    2. Is it reproducable? Can you intentionally make it appear?
    3. Attach a screenshot if possible.

    4. Attach your dx.diag. This file includes information on your hard- and software configuration.
    see attachment
    5. Attach the Battle Brothers “log.html” file.
    see attachment


    Kind regards

    PS: … the game is really great … keep up the good work!!! :)
    PSS: … I tried it already out at home :D … on this machine here it does not work though :S
    PSSS: … i know … off topic here … but wouldn’t it be great if we could also build our own keep for our soldiers …
    PSSSS: … OMG … ideas coming like crazy … is it also planned to hire female warriors?


    Please, read FAQ before asking questions like “is it also planned to hire female warriors?”

    Avatar photoRap

    According to your DxDiag.txt, your video drivers are from 2010. I suggest you update them to the current version from here.

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    Avatar photoilprincipe

    Hey Rap … tried this yesterday … the newest drivers i found were from 2012 (on the AMD Homepage), and I went back afterwards to the old ones, because these “new” ones did not work …

    BUT …
    … today i found another tool which helped a lot:
    amd offers now a small tool (autodetectutility) … this tool installed a very different driver, that was not available on the downloadsection for my (old) graphic card … and now the game runs perfectly … a big thanks for your help!

    oh … and that was a good hint too with the FAQ … “Those who can read have an advantage” :D …

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