Topic: Drop-In Content

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  • #13714
    Avatar photoMiaphysites

    Let me share, that, the first thing that led me to this website, was the steam forum, and the steam forum said, hey, help us make some bar gossip. Ya OK bar gossip, that would be cool. Long story short, I am still confused about the bar gossip thread, doesn’t matter that was 3 days ago , forget about this story. Anyway. I did send OverHype my save game for balancing, check the box.
    I am suddenly very interested in the idea of Drop In Content. We all know we don’t want a multiplayer , multiplayer is a horrible idea. I can just see 2 guys playing who, both would load the game the second one of their guys died, oh no, slappy girl fight, stop it. But, I’ve played a number of so-called Multiplayer, so-called Connected, so-called Interactive, games, and all that really means is Drop In Content. Somebody decides they want my mercenary company running around their world, check the box when you load your world to have the Miaphysites Company running around, make custom dialogue for encounters, make custom dialogue for trading, make a custom patrol point and movement pattern perhaps, make your combat strategy for the AI, send it to OverHype, have people slaughter you in their games. More explorations around the map, fight players and their companies. Maybe, even hire other player’s companies! In the choice between live streaming and a single download, I’m considering a single download, like the save we sent to Overhype. Maybe this is the start of the Steam Workshop for Battle Brothers. Add in the companies you would run into. Or perhaps a more closely guarded content control, like sending your save to Overhype.

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