Topic: Found unique background!

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  • #19980
    Avatar photoHuman Warlord

    So i found unique background called “Crusader” i found it during random encounter.Some guy jast appeared and talked something about ancient undead and asked to accept him in my party.I have undead invasion as my lategame crisis.
    And here screen –

    All loot he wearing was with him already!
    Post here your unique backgrounds if you have some!

    Avatar photoHarlath

    Well spotted and thanks for sharing! Looks to be a fairly strong background going by his stats, strong Health, Melee Attack, Resolve and decent defence.

    Nice that Overhype have added little touches like this, makes the world much more vibrant and means each playthrough is special.

    Avatar photoIoci

    Wow! thats something new! thank you for sharing! i never met any unique background character yet, but i think maybe, just maybe, that the devs will hide the female background in the game someday.

    Avatar photoHuman Warlord

    Sad but crusader leaves after crisis is over.
    Well this was expected!

    At least he left his nice equipment (two handed sword,full helm,mail hauberk).

    Avatar photoHarlath

    Congratulations on at least using the Crusader to see off the Undead Crisis, well done!

    At least he least the party his stuff and seems to come in as a free mid level Brother with good equipment and a strong background.

    Avatar photoHuman Warlord

    Mysterious envoy

    It seems he dont have background, maybe he was born just not long ago?
    And how he was 228 days with my company…

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