Topic: Maimed Foot permanent Injury and Pathfinder Perk


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    Avatar photoMalthus

    One of my mercs hurt his foot very badly and no needs 3 action points on flat grass.

    So I took the Pathfinder perk with him to make up for this. As the perk states it should reduce the needed action points for moving by one to a minimum of 2.

    Can it be that the pathfinder perk checks the needed action points without counting in the injury first?

    Because the effect is that my merc still needs 3 action points on flat grass.

    "I am a Paladin!"
    >OMG, Malthus, there are no damn paladins in Battle Brothers...<
    "OK, OK! Then I´m a wrecked down minstrel drunkard pretending to be a paladin, singing so wrong in the midst of battle that even the undead run in fear... Better?!"

    Avatar photoCwell

    I think Pathfinder is aimed at lowering both AP and Fatigue from terrain effects (up/down hills, forest / swamps, etc.), not to counter impairments from other sources (traits, wounds, etc.).
    So yes, it would be applied before the Injury’s effect ;)

    Avatar photoMalthus

    The Point is, if what you say is correct it should be explicitely stated in the text. Right now it reads like Movement costs are lowered by one on any terrain regardless to a minimum of two.

    "I am a Paladin!"
    >OMG, Malthus, there are no damn paladins in Battle Brothers...<
    "OK, OK! Then I´m a wrecked down minstrel drunkard pretending to be a paladin, singing so wrong in the midst of battle that even the undead run in fear... Better?!"

    Avatar photoWargasm

    I think the normal AP cost of movement on flat grass is 2. Thus, Pathfinder (which reduces the cost to a minimum of two) would not normally have any effect on this; it simply remains at two. Add an injury that increases the cost by one, and it takes 3 AP to move on flat grass. I guess the injury effect is applied atop the Pathfinder one, which seems to make sense. But I expect you’ll find that the character now (with Pathfinder) requires 1 AP fewer to move in dense forest/snow or in swamp.

    Avatar photoMalthus

    So is this working as intended or is it a bug?

    Because if it is working as intended it maybe should be explicitely mentioned that it does not negate actionpoint costs that don´t come from terrain.

    "I am a Paladin!"
    >OMG, Malthus, there are no damn paladins in Battle Brothers...<
    "OK, OK! Then I´m a wrecked down minstrel drunkard pretending to be a paladin, singing so wrong in the midst of battle that even the undead run in fear... Better?!"

    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    Back when the perk description was written, there were no permanent injuries. I’ve just been assuming that any perk description not explicitly saying that it will work regardless of injuries isn’t going to counter or negate any injuries of any sort.

    That being said, a more explicit description would be helpful now that the injury system is active.

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

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