Topic: Shield wall connection bonus do not applied from allies

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  • #21667
    Avatar photoFlickering

    I dont know if it’s a bug or just working as intended. I know it’s the same from 0.7 on this issue. Actually when I cannot gain bonus from ally shield wall, i would be unfair my opponent get tides of bonus in noble war.
    Actually, I think the tooltip writes ally, not brother, well, maybe that’s the case.

    I m sorry I just lose my savefile due to a sudden shut down and cannot offer a picture, but I think it would be easy to repeat.

    Avatar photoRap

    It’s working fine. The bonus just isn’t displayed as part of any character’s own melee/ranged defense value, as it’s a bonus calculated each time when defending from an attack.

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    Avatar photoFlickering

    Thanks for your reply, but I am still feel stange I know the bonus isn’t displayed in my brother’s stat. But the buff still calculated the bonus when brothers adjacent make shield wall(or maybe you just remove that). While when allies adjacent make shield wall, the shield wall buff just+15 for both.

    Is there any difference between these two occasion?

    Avatar photoRap

    I’m afraid I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.

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    Avatar photoFlickering

    Sorry for my ENG, Im not a native speaker, I mean
    1. If one of my brother (0 base melee def) make a shield wall with heater shield, the shield wall buff tooltip write +20 +15 and he is 40 melee def 30 ranged def. When an adjacent brother make shield wall the buff tooltip is +25 +20 and he is still 40 melee def 30 ranged def. I know that’s what you mean.

    2.If the same occasion, change the brother to a noble footman, he make a shield wall adjacent to my brother, Im sure the buff tooltip write +20 +15, which means the buff tooltip not gain any bonus……wish you already understand……

    I attach a normal adjacent brother bonus to shield wall+25 +20 mentioned above(without shield expert)

    Avatar photoFlickering

    I noticed the picture attached has a chinese patch or something……that’s from a group member. But I m pretty sure anything I submitted is discovered in the original version……May this won’t make you confused :)

    Avatar photoFlickering

    I have managed to get online and get these pictures:
    1st picture is when an adjacent knight make shield wall, only +20 +15 in the shield wall buff tooltip without shield expert, no +5 +5bonus.

    2nd picture is when an adjacent brother make shield wall, it’s +30 +23 with shield expert as you can see, having +5 +5bonus from adjacent brother’s shield wall.

    And I have inferred from the hit chance that the hostile mecenery also doesnot gain bonus from friendly adjacent noble army shield wall(I know when raiders get linked shield wall the hitchance is substracted by any adjacent shield wall bonus)

    So…..I think I have made my greatest effort to make things clear that friendly ally’s(not brother)shield doesnot give +5 +5bonus to my man’s shield wall….I dont know if it’s a bug or working as intended

    Avatar photoFlickering
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