Topic: [suggestion] improve Orcish loots

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    Avatar photoDanubian

    Right now in Orcish faction anything bigger than Young Orcs is brutally powerful. It takes skill, equipment and luck to defeat them. And once you do it you get the completely underwhelming loot screen.

    I just fought a battle where ~30 humans struggled and barely managed to beat a bunch of Orc Warriors. Here is what the battle looked like:

    And then after the battle this was my “loot”:

    As you can see i got almost nothing worth noting. And thats a shame. Being so powerful i would expect Orcs to drop more than just a bunch of random items. I mean you designed Orcish weapons to be stupidly fatigue requiring, so i suppose only Orcs can use them, and then you made only 2 even remotely useful items, the two shield types (the bigger one iirc also has pretty crazy fatigue penalty). IMO right now there is not a single reason to fight Orcs. Whats the point? They will brutalize your party’s HP and armors (which cost time and money to repair/regain). Meanwhile if you fight the Bandits, or hell, even the Undead, they will drop a whole bunch of items that are both usable, and even extremely useful early on in the game (bandits are the best source of 90-110 rating armors and 105-140 rating helmets in game). After fighting a single Bandit party i sometimes get even 1000 gold worth of loot. After fighting Orcs i get a bunch of mostly worthless garbage.

    This is IMO wrong and Orcs should drop something my bros can actually use and become better with.

    Avatar photoTexan

    You can get loot only when you killed enemy.
    If landknechts (friendly A.I.), killed orcs they will get loot.


    Avatar photoDanubian

    Thats sort of not the point, im talking about the variety and general quality of loot, rather than sheer quantity.

    You can get Orc weapons, which are mostly useless to me unless im missing something.
    You can get some repair and healing gear and some food.
    You can get big shields, which are ok, and you get small shields which are meh (i think castle shields are better?).

    They dont give you armors or helmets which is like the most important loot im looking for.

    And ofc they dont give you premium human weapons.

    What im proposing is perhaps giving you ability to collect broken Orcish armors and perhaps have humans forge some super strong armors etc? You know, something completely different to every other faction and exotic at the same time.

    And of course note that it appears that the biggest and toughest Orcs use the same exact weapons as the easiest ones. Look at Bandits or Undead on the other hand. Bandit thugs have essentially worst starting weapons; second tier Bandits (raiders iirc?) have second tier weapons, and Bandit Leaders can drop you pretty much top gear (ive had 200 armor helmets, war hammer etc). Orcs need more stuff.

    Avatar photoSarissofoi

    The orc armors are made from human armors.
    Also they can drop unique shields and weapons.
    Their weapon have high damage but low durability and is heavy and cost more fatigue to use – but on higher level it shouldn’t be a problem. It offers high damage and great ratio against armors.
    The game is still half done at best and in actual state there is little reason to fight orcs at all. Unless you want to test your strength. Killing bandits is much more profitable and safe. Wait until they can actually raze settlements and take over strongholds so fighting them will be a must.

    Avatar photoRexmundi

    The orc armors are made from human armors.
    Also they can drop unique shields and weapons.
    Their weapon have high damage but low durability and is heavy and cost more fatigue to use – but on higher level it shouldn’t be a problem. It offers high damage and great ratio against armors.
    The game is still half done at best and in actual state there is little reason to fight orcs at all. Unless you want to test your strength. Killing bandits is much more profitable and safe. Wait until they can actually raze settlements and take over strongholds so fighting them will be a must.

    There are lots of reasons to fight orcs, once you have a lot of fatigue and two mercs that can spam the fatigue reducing ability, you can easily use the orc weapons. So fighting orcs to get their weapons is a must at the mid/late stage of the game. I generally try to have two shields on my front line (one good vs ranged and one orc metal shield for melee def (the durability is very high) and three weapons (crossbow (bolts pre-equiped, doesn’t cost you an equipment slot), spear and an orc cleaver/axe). The spear to keep up spear wall, the crosbow to pepper the enemy with bolts and the cleaver/axe to brutally slaughter anything that breaks the spearwall (with the cleaver/axe it is fast, even against orcs, while the shield wall with an orc metal shield takes a long time to take down)

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