Topic: Wizard needs tools badly

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    Avatar photomrbunnyban

    is it just me, or are tools used up for repairs at at incredibly high rate, especially compared to other consumables? There are consumables like ammunition, medical supplies, food, but the consumable I’m always I’m on the constant hunt for are tools, especially at an affordable price. My brothers consume tools like a giant sinkhole or something. “Do you sell tools for cheap? No? I’ll buy em anyway.” “No tools? Your contract is not attractive, I’ll serve a town which sells me tools.” IDK lol, it’s kinda funny in a way.

    Avatar photobobombnik

    Since your armor takes the brunt of damage in battle, you’re in constant need of repair. It’s BB’s main money sink, really. Ammunition depends on how often you’re using ranged attacks, and even the medical supplies for me drain pretty slowly (I tend to hit temples asap if my men are injured, though). Food and tools are the 2 major sinks.

    What annoys me is that regardless of relationship w/ faction or town, markets will only give you a fraction of the value of goods you are selling (talking weapons/armor, and not trade goods). I understand it’s not going to be anywhere near the actual ‘value’ of the items, but they give you less than 10% of the value of the item. Often much less. That makes keeping up on payroll, food, and tool costs a real challenge in the early game depending on the initial setup.

    Avatar photoMike

    I find tools are not that much of a problem if you are picky about which looted items you repair before selling. Most of the low-quality armor and weapons are not worth it anyway, so I just sell them exactly as I find them. That leaves most of the supply for the items that your brothers use.

    Might also have something to do with my generally defensive playstyle – means less armor damage to repair after each battle.

    regardless of relationship w/ faction or town, markets will only give you a fraction of the value

    The prices actually become more favourable as your rep with that particular town improves. It’s also generally better to do your shopping in bigger settlements. A final hint: if you’re not pressed for cash keep the most valuable stuff in your inventory until you come upon a city with “Ambushed trading routes” status – their stuff costs more to buy, but the also pay more for yours.

    Avatar photomrbunnyban

    I find tools are not that much of a problem if you are picky about which looted items you repair before selling. Most of the low-quality armor and weapons are not worth it anyway, so I just sell them exactly as I find them. That leaves most of the supply for the items that your brothers use.

    Might also have something to do with my generally defensive playstyle – means less armor damage to repair after each battle.

    regardless of relationship w/ faction or town, markets will only give you a fraction of the value

    The prices actually become more favourable as your rep with that particular town improves. It’s also generally better to do your shopping in bigger settlements. A final hint: if you’re not pressed for cash keep the most valuable stuff in your inventory until you come upon a city with “Ambushed trading routes” status – their stuff costs more to buy, but the also pay more for yours.

    Oooh, good tips. Thanks for that.

    Avatar photoNamespace

    Tool costs are only really a problem in the early to mid-game. Basically a single flail can afford you 20 tools. Once you have some spare coin, try buy as many as you can carry if you see cheap tools. In the early game you can reduce repair cost by using shieldwall a lot. If you kill raiders with the flail head bashing skill you will get their fully repaired armor in most cases. Then just swap your damaged armor with the new one.

    Generally, repairing Tier2+ weapons before you sell them will make you a ton of profit. Armors on the other hand use too many tools to make you any decent profit. If I recall correctly, armor starts getting profitable to repair at very high levels (reinforced mail hauberks, fallen hero armor).

    Avatar photomrbunnyban

    Tool costs are only really a problem in the early to mid-game. Basically a single flail can afford you 20 tools. Once you have some spare coin, try buy as many as you can carry if you see cheap tools. In the early game you can reduce repair cost by using shieldwall a lot. If you kill raiders with the flail head bashing skill you will get their fully repaired armor in most cases. Then just swap your damaged armor with the new one.

    Generally, repairing Tier2+ weapons before you sell them will make you a ton of profit. Armors on the other hand use too many tools to make you any decent profit. If I recall correctly, armor starts getting profitable to repair at very high levels (reinforced mail hauberks, fallen hero armor).

    Great tip on repairing T2+ weapons, thank you.

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