Under “Stat overview and description”, subsection “Stamina and Fatigue”, on page http://battlebrothersgame.com/character-stats/ , you write that “your Battle Brothers will always be able to perform at least a basic attack and you’ll never have just sit idly by and wait”.
After 3 rounds in all battles, several of my soldiers end up doing wait turns, even if they have only performed basic attacks and have no injuries.
I hope that if this was not intentional and that it will be fixed so that it always is possible to perform 1 basic attack in each round.
My team of 12 soldiers are at level 5 and have body armor of 80-110 and head armor of 80-125 + shield.
It would be helpful if displayed number of available action points actually always was available. Several times I have observed that available action points are many more than an attack or move requires, but I am not able to move/attack. Is actual available action points = displayed number of action points minus a number that is a function of current fatigue? If so, please change this so that displayed number of action points = actual available action points.