Reply To: Morale system: Less "swingy"
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I did not have a problem with that yet and I have played about 300 hrs on Expert Ironman since launch. I do spec in resolve though and pretty much always have a sargeant with rally unless I don’t need him and level new guys.
I usually try to get my guys to around 50-60 resolve (with veteran levels or +4 rolls) if they are going to be in melee, getting surrounded.
Even against Geists I hardly have my guys affected by an ally fleeing which happens pretty much all the time even with high resolve if i’m lucky they will resist the fear for maybe 2-3 rounds at most.
Geists with Wiedergangers are actually a big part of my fights in a late campaign when I roam the map and clear ruins and camps.Removing this system would work both ways. If they change it fights against Direwolves or Nachzehrers might become much more difficult. New systems would require a lot of testing and coding probably so I expect we will see some tweaked numbers at most.
Remember, I don’t expect to see changes made into the game as is (see first sentence in my opening post). Just discussing how resolve was designed ended up being really “swingy” and the consequences of that. I’m not sure why you’re telling me how many points you put into resolve?…
Ironman, you’ll naturally spec into resolve due to those rare occasions resolve becomes a huge issue. But resolve isn’t necessary most of the time and feels like a dead stat most of the game. So it’s the perfect stat to dump if you are not playing iron man. Overhype has changed parts of the games to reduce save scumming before, specifically the way stat ups are chosen. If the effects of resolve were more consistently felt (but less extreme when it is felt for balance), we wouldn’t have so many folks advising to dump resolve and only sink points into Melee attack, melee defence and fatigue.
I always felt a the game was a little ‘off’ whenever anyone gets 4 free out-of-turn attacks from a fleeing enemy, worse still if he gets 4 free actions from another fleeing enemy right after. It’s just weird to me and breaks the illusion that the turn-based battle is an abstraction of a real battle.