Reply To: Give enough information to make decisions
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What kind of information are we talking about? Backgrounds should give you enough information what kind of character will enter your party, because bonuses from classes are locked and you can see all the equipment they own.
To be completely honest I have a few men who are nothing more to me than a bunch of meatshields: a miner refugee, a fat swordmaster, a dastard archer (who’s a founding member), etc. and while I don’t care for them that much (because of their traits) they do contribute in combat. Think of it as managing your bad luck – to squezee all the value you can get out of a bad situation.
If I understand your point of view correctly, you are aware of what I am talking about, but:
A) Don’t really care that much about the characters and use them for cannon fother if need be
B) think managing bad luck is a part of the game
If so, I can respect your point of view. For me personally this is boring and I believe it is for many others (alhtough that I cannot know of course), and it will lead to save+load to avoid.
Don’t get me wrong – I am not against random factors in the game. There are hordes of them of course. During combat especially, but also what quests there are, what kind of characters you can recruit, what items to be bought, what enemies to face, what loot to find… the list is endless. That is fine.
I do manage my luck/unluck here and make decisions. Do I want to recruit some of the half assed characters available in the town I am at, or go look at other towns in the hope of be lucky and find characters I DO want. So this basically make the B objection to the suggestion a bit nullified. My suggestion is NOT to avoid bad luck in the game.
If the features like small, big, dastard and so on was revealed, then I would have to make decisions about what to do. Now it’s just a gamble. So the decision is… should I gamble? Since the hidden attributes (the background is already revealed…although for some reason I have to remember myself what bonuses they give) are so influental to the characters usefulness… this makes the recruitment decision less of a decision and more of a gamble.
So… do you think it’s fun to gamble or do you find it fun to make decisions? That is not a rethorical question. Although I might add… if you like to gamble… perhaps you should enjoy a gambling feature in the cities and allow recruiting to be more reliable. Or there could be a random recruit possibility where you pay for someone you have no clue about – good be bad, good be good… a beggar, a hedgeknight. To satisfy that kind of preference.
Personally (and this is of course subjective) I think managing the crew should be about making smart decisions based on the difficulties (including there only being half-assed recruits to choose from) and not a hazard game. Combat, however, is always hazardous, although by beings smart you can tip the odds in your favor. I wouldn’t save-reload until I win. I am sure many would, but that is their choice. As said… I would choose ironman if possible.