Topic: A couple of thoughts

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  • #3862
    Avatar photosyric89

    Here’s a couple ideas:

    Reserves: Would be nice to have 2-3 reserve slots to cycle out troops. We’ve all been there… everyone’s level 9-11 and you finally find that sexy hedge knight in a rinky dink village far to the north. Wooo! Now, who to dropkick out the door?? It would be awesome to recruit the HK and rotate him in for some experience on easier battles, while not having to fire your loyal, fragile, midget, fat, dumb farmer who’s been there since day 1. Reward him with a paid day off instead!

    Ranks: Assignable ranks that are visible on the field. Perhaps a small morale buff provided? Higher than normal morale blow if leader dies? Even if there were no buffs, it would be nice to differentiate between your troops.

    Troop screen: Ability to shuffle/sort the troops into order. I find it irksome to have my archers separated for some reason.

    Avatar photoXizzie

    Those are very good ideas, it would be great if we could have these options!

    Also, another thing about recruitment: when you dismiss a brother, the tooltip says that he will remain in town for a while if you decide to get him back. However, that doesn’t happen and you kinda have to save scum if you ditch a brother to get another with better past, but end up getting screwed because he has crappy traits (perhaps if we could check traits before recruitment would be nice too).

    Avatar photoGOD

    The amount of mercenaries you can have will probably get expanded to around 20-24, while the number of mercs that you can field will be lower than that.

    Actual ranks probably won’t get added. You can already do something akin to that with the utility tree perks, though.

    Being able to reorganise troop order will also get added.

    Those are very good ideas, it would be great if we could have these options!
    Also, another thing about recruitment: when you dismiss a brother, the tooltip says that he will remain in town for a while if you decide to get him back. However, that doesn’t happen and you kinda have to save scum if you ditch a brother to get another with better past, but end up getting screwed because he has crappy traits (perhaps if we could check traits before recruitment would be nice too).

    They stick around? I wouldn’t know since I’ve never fired anyone. I almost never have a full company, because I keep sending rookies on test runs. Could be that that’s a placeholder for a feature that has yet to be added.

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