Topic: Armors?

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  • #4667
    Avatar photoCrag_Hack

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I don’t think there is no topic talking about suggested armors type.

    Maybe I could start this one.

    I’m a huge fan of Excalibur 80’s Movie and maybe this could be a nice inspiration for new armor creation:

    That’s a Dark plate armor from King Arthur. The style is really cool and it’s a nice suggestion to Battle Brothers.
    King Arthur

    Sir Uther Pendragon (Arthur’s father)

    Anyway just some suggestions. If you guys has something cool to share feel free…

    Avatar photojaegerdude

    If the developers allow modifications, which imo all good games do, in order to prologue the lifespan of a game, then new armours and weapons will be on the menu for keen modders.

    Avatar photoJago

    There will be no plate armor in the game, unless through modding. That’s because, the medieval-themed setting somewhat reflects the time period of 1100-1300A.D.

    Avatar photoCrag_Hack

    Hmmm I understood but the game has Orcs, Werewolves, Zombies, etc… so the “medieval-themed” setting sounds like more to me a “fantasy-medieval” setting.

    Avatar photoGOD

    It’s fantasy, yes, but fantasy that sticks to a specific historical period more closely than is usual for the genre. That historical period has been roughly noted as being around 900-1200. That’s not a strict limit though, with there being outliers in what kind of weapons are available, but plate I recall being mentioned as specifically being outside of the period-theme that they’re going for.

    As for armour, there’s lots of kind that I would like to see. Something like brigandine could still just about fit the time-period, if you go for the earliest models. It also combines nicely with other armours, so you could make layered versions.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    True, plate armor (at least for the humans) is not planned at the moment.
    Brigandines and all kinds of different early medieval armor types will be added during the course of the next year whenever we see fit :)
    As a rule of thumb there will be more of everything. At the moment I am focussing on more weapons.


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    Avatar photoHoly.Death

    What about making legendary armor? I could imagine legendary equipment to look differently than standard items.

    Avatar photoCrag_Hack

    Good idea the legendary thing. However I don’t want to see those weirdo asiatic colorful and blinking armors like WOW or many other MMORPG games.

    One of the things that caught my attention in Battle Brothers was the themed medieval armors… the classic ones.

    Avatar photoHoly.Death

    I was thinking about making something look unique (could always argument that’s an experimental armor, or made by a visionary blacksmith who was ahead of his time), but remaining within what’s believable for medieval times. I really hope that whatever legendary armor they want to add it’ll look cool on top of being great piece of gear to use.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    I am absolutely looking forward to designing the Legendaries. Not only armor but weapons, helmets shields and everything else. Each piece will of course come with its own unique appearance, skill icons and backstory. On top of that these items will add unique active or passive skills no other item has.
    Although I will take a little more liberties in the design, their look should not break the immersion of the game.
    I promise I’ll take care of that :)

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