Topic: NPC Collateral Damage Abuse?

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  • #20469
    Avatar photoWanderer

    Now that there are a lot more wandering merc groups and noble house patrols, it’s really easy to pull monster groups into them that are tied to your contract (Nachtzehrer/Direwolves, Orc Warlord band in the Warlord contract), and cause collateral damage by getting the merc groups/house patrols mauled while you take little damage.

    Yes, you lose xp and loot from the kills, but for Nachtzehrer/Direwolves, their loot is laughable that you get better loot from the mercs/nobles that died and drop their armor for you. One also still gets paid in full for clearing the Nachtzehrers/Direwolves.

    Which begs the question: should ally equipment drop into your inventory? It seems quite abusive to get free chain shirts/mail hauberks/heavy crossbows from getting footmen and arbalests killed by orcs/goblins, while you barely take any damage.

    Avatar photoRap

    It shouldn’t – it was a bug that’s been fixed now.

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    Avatar photoWanderer

    Got a mail shirt drop from a merc party that I ran some direwolves into last night; I’ll try to reproduce the case tonight and submit a bug report if I can reproduce it.

    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    It shouldn’t – it was a bug that’s been fixed now.

    Can you please make an exception for if they are completely wiped out? Give me more perverse incentives to “misplace” bolts while shooting “at the enemy” please? Or add events where you can contest them over it? Picking through the battlefield dead seems like an appropriately mercenary thing to do.

    Also I guess I should stop shooting my allies now.

    Avatar photoNamespace

    Got a mail shirt drop from a merc party that I ran some direwolves into last night; I’ll try to reproduce the case tonight and submit a bug report if I can reproduce it.

    I can confirm this. *EDIT: It was supposedly fixed quite a few patches ago, right? not recently?* I got a mail hauberk once from a battle between mercs and raiders. In my case, I went to attack them when they were 10 raiders vs 9 or so mercenaries. By the time I joined the fight it was down to 9 mercs vs 6 raiders. I figured the mercs would make quick work of the raiders so I decided to just skip through the fight because I figured in the best case my guys will get one or two kills and thats it.
    One of the mercs died eventually. At the end I got this fully repaired mail hauberk – which seems a little weird. It should be damaged, right? Maybe that is because I never actually joined the fight and all opponents/allies stayed hidden?

    Anyways, I think this should be fixed. Usually, getting decent free armor from enemies is risky. Like daggering a hedge knight or bandit leader.
    Getting that dagger kill on a Hedge Knight in 300/300 armor +2h weapon and saving ~15k crowns is one of the most satisfying and thrilling things in the game.
    Much like a 3s airtime midair in tribes :)

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