I think that “recall dog” skill should be implemented to prevent bad gameplay experience in certain situations.
For example: a generic 3-way fight : a player, merks, and a vampire with some skellies
The fight takes place in the forest, so movement is restricted and there are plenty of bottlenecks.
The player unleashed dogs to win a fight vs skellies and merks..
Seems good so far, yeah?
Dogs start to chase teleporting vampire, and it starts to pick dogs one by one. Because it is supposed behavior of both parties.
Basically nothing could be done. Speeds of dogs and vampire so much higher than that of a player, so taunt is ineffective, terrain prevents movement.
So player should spend 23 turns and watch the dogs being slaughtered one by one, and contemplating that there is no basic dog “to me” command?
And only after 23 turns player could, finally finish off that single enemy?
That is bad setup from any point of view.
1) no basic dog “get him” “get back” interaction
2) frustrating 10 minutes time-sink