Topic: What is your favourite turn-based, nonlinear strategy (except x-coms & BB)?

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    Avatar photoGotanmarf

    Recently I’ve played Armageddon Empires, and must say that this game is incredible.
    Maybe the most beautiful turn-based 2-d game with random map. Extremely replayable and deep. Juicy climate.
    Previously I thought that Battle for Wesnoth will be the best, but every campaign is annoyingly linear. Maps are the same, events are the same, every time when you start over again. In some campaigns main story is little branched, but still too linear.

    Avatar photoGotanmarf

    … and of course patched version of Master of Magic is an example of game made in a good style (random world, replayability, splitting and regrouping units on global map, etc.)

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Hey there, I’m just here to drop some of my favorites. Although its pretty difficult if you really insist on non-linear :)

    The only non-linear ones I can think of are the old X-Com, Civilization and Jagged Alliance.

    As for linear, there are quite a few really good ones.
    Lets start with “Silent Storm” (awesome cold war/sci-fi mix).
    I also enjoyed some japanese squad based story tbs like vandal hearts (fantasy) or Front mission (scifi).
    If you go for hardcore strategy I´d give it up to “Advance Wars” – just pure tactics with quick and fluent gameplay.
    I also have to mention the alltime classic Panzer General.

    So, there are more than enough examples and a really great variety of what direction you can take with TBS games. Unlimited possibilities so to speak :)


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    Avatar photoGotanmarf

    Exactly,… there are few really good linear strategies which have big potential to be non-linear sandbox. For example Reunion, Patrician series, or High Seas Trader, and few Asian tactic games from GBA, SNES, and Genesis.

    Avatar photoAsterix_von_TWC

    Mount & Blade, especially its mods gave me (and thousands of others) a lot of satisfaction in this department…

    Xenonauts, although its basically a new X-Com… but otherwise I have been dreaming of someone making exactly this game!

    Gentlemen I implore you! Build this game to be expandable with content, because it will attract people, and modding is about keeping them.

    Avatar photoJaysen

    We are aware that modding is a really big thing and many games would have vanished quickly without mods. Also, some of the greatest games started out as mods. Some examples for great modding are civ, total war, half-life, skyrim and mount and blade.

    Thing is, that our resources are really tight and we have to finish the game above all else so there wont be explicit modability during the early access. However, be assured that it is high on our list!

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    Avatar photoAsterix_von_TWC

    For a great engine like this Jaysen (I just highly enjoyed the demo, getting mushed in both a difficult and moderate setting with superb, crafty, clever AI… maybe the best I have seen and I am a long-time turn-based strategy fan) if its you guys that keep churning out content (DLCs):
    -Eastern Theme (A Chinese/Japanese faction)
    -Arab or Ottoman theme
    -More monster faction
    -The ability to manage (or even build up) your own stronghold
    -Mounted combat
    I am sure that the community will bite :) … in the meantime I am going to start getting word out, I am very much in-tune with this genre of gaming, but I did not hear about you for a whole year of your existence… I am sure many others have not either!
    Steam will work great for you!

    BTW – for fan profiling’s sake in response to your list:

    Skyrim had some great things to it – but in the end the combat system was highly disappointing, the level-based monsters was for many a bad practice of game design (a real open world should have mixed challenges) and overall, it was commercial and lacked soul at times

    I am a total war modder :D (EB, RTR, Ran No Jidai, TROM3)

    Would be nice to interview you guys for! Let me know if that is interesting

    Avatar photoJaysen

    Sure, lets talk about that interview!
    Just shoot me an e-mail at and we can discuss the details.

    Looking forward to it!

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    Avatar photoAsterix_von_TWC

    Excellent! Will contact you soon!

    Avatar photoTrig

    Tactical strategy are probably my favourite game type. I’ve spent a lot of time playing these:

    UFO:AI, the community-built version of X-COM,

    Expeditions: Conquistador,

    Fallen Enchantress,

    Legends of Eisenwald is also shaping up, though still has some way to go,

    7,62: High Calibre, not exactly turn-based, but very fun still,

    But now I’m very enthusiastic about Battle Brothers. :)

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