Amazing Aardvark's Replies

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  • in reply to: Along the Road: Arnold the Pig #12247
    Avatar photoAmazing Aardvark

    Eh? Canaaadian? Eh?

    Haha, thank you very much for the considerate compliment. And no, in all honesty, I’m just a country boy from Missouri. Kind of like Mark Twain, actually. Not that I’m making any comparison between him and myself. I simply enjoy reading his short stories, and now that I know a little bit about composition, I enjoy writing them as well.

    in reply to: Along the Road: The Minstrel Boy #12245
    Avatar photoAmazing Aardvark

    I’m sincerely not trying to be rude, but I’m not exactly sure that I understand what you are trying to say. Is English not your native language? It’s ok if it isn’t. If you are asking me why I don’t post them all together, it is because I don’t have them all pre-written. None of my other stories were written before I posted the first one. If I think up some interesting story, I write it and post it then and there. In fact, I don’t even try and think up another story idea before finishing the story I’m on. For example, in my most recent tale about Arnold the pig, I hadn’t even thought of writing it before I finished the Minstrel Boy.

    On the other hand, if you are asking me why I don’t put them all on a single thread, the reason is that I just hadn’t thought of doing that. It’s a good idea, and I might try it. But for now, while I’m writing short, sporadic stories with no definite end date, I’ll just post them as they come to me. Thanks.

    in reply to: Along the Road: The Minstrel Boy #12243
    Avatar photoAmazing Aardvark

    Thank you. I’m glad you like them!

    in reply to: Along the Road: Flowers for M’lady #12235
    Avatar photoAmazing Aardvark

    Thank you for the info. I didn’t know about the steam forum, and I might end up adding some comments over there. One thing they said about the bar room gossip was that they wanted more material so that the patrons wouldn’t be using the same lines over and over again. It makes sense to have multiple people offering unique ideas for stories, jokes, and gossip. You don’t want players skipping dialogue because it is boring, and you don’t want them to have to skip a redundant comment, quest, or event.

    I really like the idea they have for the community input, and what I’m doing here is just my own little way of trying to help them out with the short stories part. I’ve played this game a significant amount and have ran into the same “Along the Road” type events time and again. My hope for this game is that you won’t ever need to skip something because you’ve seen it before. It would be awesome for every story to be original and interesting enough to grab players attention and emotions and immerse them in the game world. But hey, those are just my two cents.

    in reply to: Cool New Ideas & Some Old Ones Too #12212
    Avatar photoAmazing Aardvark

    Thank you for replying, Christof. Really, thanks. You’re a pretty cool guy, and you have my best wishes for the next update to be the finest one yet.


    The Amazing Typing Aardvark.

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