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  • in reply to: Skeletons are horribly unfun in so many ways #20514
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    I agree that they could use some more tactical diversity but I think that you’re exaggerating a bit when you list problems with them.

    It’s probably just because I’ve got the undead crisis rolled three times in a row now and I’m really tired of not being able to explore any of the interesting alternate team compositions I want because “all skeletons all the time” is constantly in effect.

    in reply to: Revised Dodge too powerful? #20513
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    So now dodge’s 15% of current initiative bonus to defence that lasts forever and never fades. Getting hit no longer removes the bonus, though accumulating fatigue would reduce it throughout the battle.

    It’s reduced by things like armor and fatigue. You’re either sacrificing armor to get a good sized bonus or accepting a lesser one, and even then it quickly fades over the course of a battle.

    Underdog has morale penalty negation as well, but let’s put that aside. Each enemy other than the first adds a -5 defence penalty (melee defence only?). A brother could possibly be surrounded by 6 enemies, so this bonus negates anywhere from -5 to -25 penalty. It’s pretty rare for anything more than -10 however; a brother surrounded by more than 3 enemies is probably going to die regardless.

    Defensive builds can regularly be intentionally surrounded by more than three enemies.

    Dodge adds to both ranged and melee defence. A lightly armored backline unit could easily maintain around 100 initiative with minor investment into the stat, and since they have such high ranged defence it’s quite likely no one will even try to shoot them. At 100 initiative, the brother would have +15 to both defences. A crossbow user could maintain low fatigue levels and thus not lose much of that bonus throughout the fight.

    This (and lightly armored swordsmen) is where it obviously shines, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing.

    I think the bigger things is that anticipation is relatively weak by comparison and could use a buff. Basing it on your base ranged defense is just painful.

    in reply to: Original stats of brothers, quality of life #20506
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Seconded. Really annoying that you can only see stats on level up.

    in reply to: Does duelist apply to thrown weapons? #20485
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    A duelist usually doesn’t have a lot of ranged skill

    Well obviously a throwing based duelist would.

    in reply to: NPC Collateral Damage Abuse? #20478
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    It shouldn’t – it was a bug that’s been fixed now.

    Can you please make an exception for if they are completely wiped out? Give me more perverse incentives to “misplace” bolts while shooting “at the enemy” please? Or add events where you can contest them over it? Picking through the battlefield dead seems like an appropriately mercenary thing to do.

    Also I guess I should stop shooting my allies now.

    in reply to: Skeletons are horribly unfun in so many ways #20476
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    The Ancient Dead require completely different tactics to fighting bandits, orcs, and goblins. While Ancient Legionnaires function very much like Orc Warriors, the armor requirement to effectively fight them is not nearly as high because their swords are basically weaker Arming Swords (that don’t cause bleed, unlike basically all bladed Orc weapons). Other thing is that Legionnaire shields are reasonably breakable for Axe specialists, unlike Warrior shields which are a waste of time to try to break.

    They do a lot more damage than orcs when you consider their ability to focus fire with multiple deep lines (and the fact that unlike the random flailing of orcs, they make damned good use of that ability). They also have higher defenses than orcs, and if you break their shields the damage they deal out individually starts to be competitive (while ignoring the fact that much of their damage will still be coming from the back line.)

    in reply to: Does duelist apply to thrown weapons? #20460
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Awesome. Axe throwing duelists ho, then!

    Now if only axe mastery increased the damage they did to shields…

    in reply to: Does duelist apply to thrown weapons? #20453
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Wait what? You can shoot geists now???

    Yep, as of the last update!

    in reply to: Does duelist apply to thrown weapons? #20406
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    It’s basically two more perks – duelist and throwing weapons – on my archers, who no longer need perks to help them with polearms.

    Then they can actually help when fighting skeletons!

    Throwing axes may be considered projectiles, which skeletons resist anyway?

    For some reason I thought skeletons resisted like, bolts and arrows. Didn’t think throwing axes would be included. I guess if it’s projectiles that would still make sense as to why spears work okay with them and, yeah, I guess that makes that thought worthless.

    in reply to: Does duelist apply to thrown weapons? #20395
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    It’s basically two more perks – duelist and throwing weapons – on my archers, who no longer need perks to help them with polearms.

    Then they can actually help when fighting skeletons!

    in reply to: How do Taunt and Indominatable actually work? #20361
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Okay, took taunt. Actual mechanics are:

    4ap, 15 fatigue. 1 enemy within three tiles is forced to become more aggressive and prioritize this character, but it’s not guaranteed because they will still “follow group strategy”.

    It seems to have a low “chance to hit” as well, but I’m not sure if it actually fails.

    I haven’t noticed any behavour differences from anyone hit with it though

    in reply to: Survey: Repairs at blacksmith #20321
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    What are you talking about?

    in reply to: How do Taunt and Indominatable actually work? #20320
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Other than fatigue (30) and ap (3) costs indomitable is rather clear: 50% dmg (I assume both armor and hp, since not stated otherwise) and immune to stun. I find it rather dubious due to high fatigue cost.

    Fatigue, AP, *and* duration. It says “for some time” or something equally vague. I’m assuming from the response that it’s only until your next turn?

    in reply to: Does executioner effect armor damage? #20245
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    Yes. Unless otherwise stated, ‘damage’ means total damage, i.e. both to hitpoints and armor.

    Good to know! Thanks.

    (There is quite a bit, in game, that is not explicitly stated though, especially in regards to damage, so definitely not an assumption I would have felt comfortable making on my own.)

    in reply to: Considering the War Bow vs. the Heavy Crossbow #19776
    Avatar photoGlyphGryph

    That seems questionable to me based on what we know, I dunno. I’d like to see someone test it.

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