Tazilon's Replies

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  • in reply to: Battle Tactics #13289
    Avatar photoTazilon

    Even better: change your pikes to crossbowmen with pikes in reserve. That way you get more shots as forces close, then the crossbows switch to pikes once melee begins.

    in reply to: Patchnotes #13288
    Avatar photoTazilon

    Why isn’t this updated with new patches?

    in reply to: Goblin Ambushers (Goblins in General) #13226
    Avatar photoTazilon

    The easiest way to beat goblins is to rush them with your infantry while your archers snipe. (and if you have wardogs and are worried about the number of goblins you are facing, set the dogs loose!) If you waste time using shield walls and setting spears waiting for them to advance, your group will be decimated. You must play them the exact opposite of how you play bandits or direwolves. They are skirmishers so they want to keep separation from you. Deny them the space they need and thery are easy kills.

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