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I think it’d be cool if there were some small changes to increase the early/mid-game usability of certain lower-tier and one-handed weapons – e.g.:
— pickaxes could be intermediate one/two-handed weapons that are unwieldy and do low damage (lower than now) when wielded in one hand, but that gain an elevated damage boost from double-grip – e.g. +50-100% damage and the ability to be used for Shatter AoE attacks that do damage part-way between the single- and double-grip values (but with the Destroy Armour skill removed, at least for two-handed use) …
— bludgeons and morning stars could also be mixed one/two-handed weapons with lower single-grip damage but higher double-grip damage, and could lose Knock Out but gain a mid-damage two-handed AoE attack with 33% chance to stun and 33% chance to stagger; meanwhile, wooden clubs could remain as low-damage one-handed weapons with the Knock Out skill, and winged maces (with their shorter handles) could gain the additional double-grip boost while retaining Knock Out (also with the boost) but not being useable for two-handed AoE attacks …
— possibly flails also could be mixed one/two-handed weapons with lower single-grip but higher double-grip damage, and could regain a mid-damage AoE attack for two-handed use (with multiple hits possible); Lash would retain its current form for one-handed attacks, and basic wooden flails could remain as solely one-handed weapons …
— scramasaxes could have their damage lowered but become highly utilitarian mixed swords/daggers/cleavers with the Slash, Puncture and Decapitate skills, making them useful secondary weapons throughout the game (in keeping with the historical use of such weapons) …
— warbrands (while remaining poor versus armour) could become mixed swords/cleavers (raw damage similar to crypt cleavers) that can be used for Slash, Split, Swing or Decapitate attacks (with rhomphaias adjusted accordingly) …
— maybe crypt cleavers could gain an AoE option (“Splatter”) costing 6 APs …
— bucklers and goblin reinforced skirmisher shields could inflict minor punching damage+fatigue when the Knock Back skill shifts an enemy …
— maybe bigger and smaller variants of the round shield could be added (e.g. 12/12 and 18/18 defence values) …