Topic: Alchemy

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  • #12339
    Avatar photoSheep

    Since you already added more buildings into the game i thought that you could also add an Alchemist.
    He could sell Potions to Heal or Buff for a time as consumables. He could also sell Poison Vials that you can equip in the Accessory slot like dogs and have a set durability which you can refill at the Alchemist (like repairing). The Poison would need to be applied in Combat with a skill each time for a single hit and should take most of a turn i imagine.
    Poisons could also be looted from goblins too since it makes sense.
    Maybe there could even be a sort of crafting system to make more use of the monster loot.

    Just my input since i would enjoy using poisons :D

    Avatar photoAnonymous

    I like your idea! Especially being able to steal poisons from gobelins.

    And why not, we could have several alchemy components, which can be found (produced by towns) in different landscape, so that you might want to travel a lot to gather your different ingredients.

    Avatar photoSky

    This would introduce lot of problems both game setting wise and game mechanic wise.

    In the medival age alchemy was condemned, hunted and destroyed since it was a pre catholic church movement. It was associated with the occult due to its heavily theoretical, philosophycal and mistycal nature, and even now is widely viewed as an occult thing. It was highly abused by charlatans with magic potions and continues up till today. It was the very very early beginning of the chemistry and its developement.

    Don’t think this would go well with the current world. Most of the towns have temples, sacred places of faith and godly things. So the church just like in our world would not give them a life. Especialy with all the witch hunting and other nasty deeds being preformed all around. The alchemy products themselves could not blend in and would be useless anyway. That leaves only few usable options. Poisons like the goblins, that is definitely neat. Maybe some herbal mixtures to remove negative effects like scared, drunk, and similar. There were no explosives or smoke nades, nor magical potions of any decription.

    Avatar photoSheep

    alchemists do already seem to be in the world of battle brothers tho.
    the item description of ghoul teeth says that they would fetch some coin from alchemists on the marketplace. dont know if there are other references to them tho.
    im not asking for some high arcane alchemist type deal. could be a druid hut who sells poison and something against diseases. maybe accelerated healing potions.

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