Topic: Any infos on the new level up system yet?

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  • #4557
    Avatar photoWolves

    Hey there,

    has anyone heard about the new (not random) level up system yet?

    Do you guys think this game will be a financial success that it may get additional DLC after resease?

    Have a nice day!

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

    Avatar photoSky

    BB has a random lvl up system?

    This game is, and will be financially successful if it countinues like it started. If no major change comes to the devs then there should be expansions in some form.

    Avatar photoWolves

    BB has a random lvl up system?
    This game is, and will be financially successful if it countinues like it started. If no major change comes to the devs then there should be expansions in some form.

    Yes, you gain statspoint gain is random on levelup. Rep said they will change that.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

    Avatar photoJago

    Yes, you gain statspoint gain is random on levelup. Rep said they will change that.

    When and where? Just curious.

    Avatar photoGOD

    I recall Rap talking about something like evening out the overall amount of stats gained, although the amount per stat would still be random. I could be wrong though.

    Avatar photoWolves

    Yes, you gain statspoint gain is random on levelup. Rep said they will change that.

    When and where? Just curious.

    Abuse Or Intended – A discussion about possible exploits.

    Balance for the Balance Throne! Skills for the Skill God! | Wolves - Spam for the Old Gods!

    Avatar photoRap

    I didn’t say we’d remove the random element on levelup. We will, however, change the way those stat gains are determined in order to eliminate an exploit with saving and loading the game repeatedly, and for that matter to allow for a cancel button on the levelup screen.

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    Avatar photoGOD

    Ah, so probably something like a seed that determines the stats gained per level up, so that you can’t reload and get different results. Or something else, we’ll see.

    Avatar photoRVallant

    I didn’t say we’d remove the random element on levelup. We will, however, change the way those stat gains are determined in order to eliminate an exploit with saving and loading the game repeatedly, and for that matter to allow for a cancel button on the levelup screen.

    Has tying in stat growth to background been considered or would that be too risky insofar as it would cause players to elect for a select group of backgrounds? Hmm.

    Avatar photoJavaJavaJava

    Yay Cancel button!

    Does that include a way to un-select a level up skill? “Whoops didn’t mean to click on ranged skill…. DAMN”

    Avatar photoRap

    Yes, cancelling will also undo your selection.

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