Topic: Contract Exploitation (Spoilers!)

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  • #12963
    Avatar photoJahsus

    So, the contract that asks you to patrol and collect heads…… You can take it, negotiate a reasonable fee of say, 100 per head ( this is modest, I have negotiated much more!) Run around the map doing camps that you have found previously and held for this eventuality / random mobs, miles away from any particular route for as long as you like. Then eventually return ( buying supplies and food off your loot ofc while this is going on….) to collect a stupid amount of cash, other missions just don’t compare. I feel this mission needs a time limit or some form of predetermined route that cannot be deviated from. Just a thought….

    no refunds.

    Avatar photoDanubian

    Interesting. I took this mission the very first day when the new patch came out, and i think it was bugged (i reported it), because it would only cash out on killed stuff that got killed precisely on road. Like i had the same idea you did, i went around chasing thugs and raiders, and out of 4 killed parties only 1 cashed out (the one i caught directly on road).

    Avatar photoSky

    It was bugged earlier that you can go roam like this but now it is fixed and only the road counts.

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