Topic: Endless Enemies?

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  • #4440
    Avatar photoJago

    Hi there!

    Well, whenever I reach the end-game, I try to make the country as save as possible and usually start razing all hide-outs of the enemy. Now, on this one save I’v been working hard on protecting two towns in the east from the attacks of orcs and I must have already razed a dozen of orc fortresses in relative short time.
    Problem: they keep popping out of nowhere. Can you actually defeat them once and for all, or do they re-spawn continually? I know that surviving groups can build new fortresses, but they shouldn’t have enough resources for that.

    Avatar photoManaSeed

    >> Hi there!

    Well, whenever I reach the end-game

    Hi hi! :D

    What!? You’ve already collected 6 dragon ba-
    Huh…. What am I saying? I mean, where did you get the end-game quest?

    >> Problem: they keep popping out of nowhere. Can you actually defeat them once and for all, or do they re-spawn continually?

    I’ve tried the similar thing. Cleaning the area just to find more of them when I return. Firstly, please allow me to rephrase your question. It would be easier to answer.

    >> Question: Is it possible to kill everyone in the world with just 12 men?
    Answer: I think it depends on how horny reproductive the orcs are. Also, don’t forget that there are different factions between the Orc clan (just like humans have different triads). Congratulations, young man. I heard you’ve wiped out Orc faction A.

    *Walk closer and pat on shoulder*

    But you’re just too young. You’ve no idea what you’ve done. You’ve just given a chance to Orc faction B, C, D to rise as they have one less rival now.

    *blush* Ahem, let’s be a little more serious.

    >> I know that surviving groups can build new fortresses, but they shouldn’t have enough resources for that.
    Seriously? Did you stalk on them and saw a band of Orcs turning into a fortress of Orc, or something like that? I’m just curious.

    Avatar photoSky

    Seriously? Did you stalk on them and saw a band of Orcs turning into a fortress of Orc, or something like that? I’m just curious.

    It supposed to happen, tho personally I never seen it, the enemy seems to flee endlessly, but usually throught other enemy camps so following one group opens all kind of nasty things.

    Avatar photoJago

    W-Well, that’s what the game is about, isn’t it? You are a mercenary band and try to make the world a somewhat safer place. But despite my efforts so far, if I leave village A or B for a day it gets raided again. At the moment these villages can only afford 1-2 militia so even a scout party is impossible for them.

    I also noticed that there are no more caravans coming or going, but the road to these towns should be safe.

    Seriously? Did you stalk on them and saw a band of Orcs turning into a fortress of Orc, or something like that? I’m just curious.

    It supposed to happen, tho personally I never seen it, the enemy seems to flee endlessly, but usually throught other enemy camps so following one group opens all kind of nasty things.

    Me neither.

    Avatar photoSky

    If I understand it right, the caravan can be started every 4 days. But to do that the village has to be not in raided state. It takes 4 days for a village to reset to normal. So it should take you 8 days guarding a village to sart a caravan. After the neutral state a village can be improved only by an incoming caravan, after the next village spawn reset(every 4 days).

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