Topic: Enemy Turn freeze

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  • #2863
    Avatar photoBarbaricBeast

    So while battling, on occasion, during an NPC turn things will stop. I can still click buttons and go to menus, however the NPC will not take it’s turn and simply sit there for varying amounts of time, usually several minutes at a time. My only options when this happens is to either wait it out, which takes anywhere from 2-3 minutes to 10+, or go to the menu screen and reload my game.

    Avatar photoGabbagundam

    This bug happend to me as well. I had routed an army of Ghouls, but one of them just stoped doing anything making it impossible for me to finisch the battle. I had to retread out of the battle to continue playing.

    Avatar photolfish

    Also had this problem a few times. Can attach a save as well if that will help.

    Avatar photoRap

    Can you zip the logfile and then attach it?

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    Avatar photolfish

    Yep, sorry about that.

    Avatar photoNewAgeOfPower

    This occurs to me whenever I zoom in/out or pan the camera on ally NPC turn.

    The AI won’t take its turn for even 30+ mins.

    Avatar photoRap

    How do you do that? In theory the camera should be locked if it’s the AI’s turn.

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    Avatar photoNewAgeOfPower

    How do you do that? In theory the camera should be locked if it’s the AI’s turn.

    Mouse wheel, WASD.

    Avatar photoMiudo

    Hi, I got the same problem when attempting to vanquish a bunch of ghouls and a whithered vampire from a Monument to hopelessness. I´ve run on this freeze bug on several battles and with different kind of enemies before. With a bit of patience i managed to overcome them all again and proceed, but for some reason this particular fight reproduces this bug more frequently than the others, so I am kinda stuck at it.

    Log and save file attached.

    Keep up the good work. The game is awesome.


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