Topic: first try

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  • #3873
    Avatar photodanielleve

    hi there… id like to say im very interested with this game. But i want to try it out first.
    So.. i download the free demo mode ones, before doing anything else.
    After i download and install. A try to run the game but here is come


    C:\Program Files\Battle Brothers\win32\../logviewer/log_viewer.html

    Im using mozila fire fox .. and when ever i try to play it open a new tab with the content above.
    Is there something i missed about?


    Avatar photoRap

    Please follow the instructions in the sticky post and attach the log.html here.

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    Avatar photodanielleve

    pardon me kind sire. But it seems that file never been created.
    Instead i gave u the folder…
    I kind of thinking the usual log file type in the type of Note pad right?
    but i cant find them in the Battle brother installed folder…

    Avatar photoRap

    That’s because it isn’t in the install folder. It’s supposed to be where the sticky post says it is. Are you sure you’ve looked at C:\ProgramData\Overhype Studios\Battle Brothers and there is no logfile there?

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    Avatar photodanielleve

    yeah im sure. Had double check. and even multiplying install and re install.
    The installed folder C:\Program Files\Battle Brothers\win32
    I dont even change anything while install the Demo file.
    Dont know why.. C:\Program Files\Battle Brothers instead C:\ProgramData\Overhype Studios\Battle Brothers

    Avatar photodanielleve

    here the SC…

    Avatar photodanielleve

    i tried open a file with my browser mozilla

    Avatar photodanielleve

    mybe this the log ?

    Avatar photoSky

    When the game is installed it creates two directories. One is the game data, where your exe file is. The other one is the documentation data with save games and the log.html . When you chose the install directory you chose the game data installation folder, while the documentation folder is created automaticaly here C:\ProgramData\Overhype Studios\Battle Brothers . That is where the log file can be found.

    C:\ProgramData\Overhype Studios\Battle Brothers\log.html

    Avatar photodanielleve

    That exactly why i am confused right now. After instal an uninstal for a countless time.. I cant still Find the second directories you mentioned.

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