Topic: Paul´s Art Corner

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  • #6794
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    will we be seeing different breeds of dogs in the future, or will we largely be seeing color variations as we do presently?

    Different breeds are not planned yet but we have the idea for a “kennel” building in the towns where you could get special wardogs. If we implement the kennel, chances are pretty high we will also put some more work into the wardogs across the board.
    But I mention again: until we get the whole worldmap rework done, nothing else will be touched :)

    if custom banners are eventually added, will there be plans to have shields available that somewhat match the banners?

    If we really go for the custom banner generator, according shields will most probably not be possible. As we dont have textures like a 3d game we cant just take the custom banner and paste it onto any shield as a texture.
    Therefore I have to create according shields as sprites. The generator I designed allows for hundreds of combinations which would be way too much work.
    Otherwise if we just add a wide variety of predesigned shields (like mount and blade) according shields would be possible.
    We have not decided how to approach this yet.

    Hey Paul show us some of your art ;)… I didn’t see here anything long time. I’m sure everyone will appreciate it.

    True, here you go!

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    Avatar photoRusBear

    Sorry to hear about the difficulties with the generator of the banner on the shields , but I understand – it’s really too complicated and physically impossible to draw all the combinations that can come to player’s mind. However, I note that I’ll be happy to use ready-made shields, even though they will be simple, without painting just to have the opportunity to be at the beginning of such a banner to my group of mercenaries what i wants to do. I hope there will be the emblem of the axe in various combinations, the truth, Paul ? :)

    The forge and workshop of armor looks good, like everything you draw :)

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    What we will try to implement at least is a two-layer system for shields. So even though we cant recreate all banners, we we can at least show color and emblem in different combinations.

    We`ll see about the axes as banner emblems. Why not? :)

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    Avatar photoMeeky

    What we will try to implement at least is a two-layer system for shields. So even though we cant recreate all banners, we we can at least show color and emblem in different combinations.

    Honestly, I think that’d be great and more than enough. I mean, for instance: having a banner with a white-and-red background with a black axe in the center and golden trim along the bottom is cool, but a shield with a white OR red background with the black axe atop it would work perfectly fine for my glorified vagabonds – I mean, mercenaries.

    1-2 colors + the emblem would be more than enough, honestly, if that’s easy to produce. I’m not an artist so I don’t know how easy or hard that is.

    Liking those smithies you posted, by the way.

    One more question for the time being: What sort of sources of inspiration will you be using for your building art? The blog post about the village rework showed some buildings that definitely seemed German to me, but also some that made me think of a Norse outpost. Namely:

    The buildings in the background near the fort specifically gave me that Norse vibe. So, yeah: I’d love to know what cultures you’re examining when working on your art, or if there are any specific castles / towns you’re basing designs off of.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    What sort of sources of inspiration will you be using for your building art?

    Regarding reference for weapons, equipments and characters my first stop are always the illustrations by Angus Mcbride done for the Osprey books. Hands down the most authentic and best researched pictures.

    Regarding buildings it gets a little more complicated. I find it extremely difficult to get authentic references for huts and wooden buildings in general. Castles and other things still standing today are a lot easier of course.
    So I look at a lot of pictures and then just make up my own stuff.

    In the village screens all buildings share a western european vibe.
    Theres a bit of a visual progression going on depending on the size of the settlement. While small settlements feature low wooden huts (which look pretty nordic) the bigger settlements will feature bricks and half timbering giving a more high medieval look.

    If we get to different cultures in future add ons the village screens will feature the according architecture of ourse. So until now all settlements look very generic western medieval, so that I can still go full nordic or eastern with future building style.

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    Avatar photoAsterix_von_TWC

    Nice Psen! Didn’t know you were using Osprey…. sooo by my weird derivative logic: Battle Brothers 2 will be set in Ancient Roman times? :p

    Avatar photoMalthus

    Will those buildings also have different versions depending on how well supplied the city is? This way you wouldn´t only read that this city is poor but see it on the first glimpse.

    "I am a Paladin!"
    >OMG, Malthus, there are no damn paladins in Battle Brothers...<
    "OK, OK! Then I´m a wrecked down minstrel drunkard pretending to be a paladin, singing so wrong in the midst of battle that even the undead run in fear... Better?!"

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Battle Brothers 2 will be set in Ancient Roman times?

    You have to be happy with the ancient skeleton desgns for now hehe.

    Will those buildings also have different versions depending on how well supplied the city is?

    Thats not planned at the moment. We are still reworking and implementing the overall worldmap mechanics. Until this is done and final I will focus on filling in all the blanks before getting to the bonus stuff :)

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    Avatar photoDrygord

    Love your artwork, especially the armor. It gives the loot so much value

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Thanks man!
    When everything goes to plan there will be a lot more to loot than just Armors :)

    By the way, here are some (of many) people to populate the village screens. Dont be fooled by the low polish, these figures will be really tiny ingame.


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    Avatar photoRusBear

    the fact that now all the settlements will have a personal view of plus and will be drawn residents, merchants, soldiers – is very good.
    It is interesting to know: The appearance of the settlement (on the internal screen) will vary depending on the climate in which it is located?
    Is it possible to add models of merchant, blacksmith, armorsmith themselves on the picture near the buildings? And whether they are different in appearance? I would like to buy axes only on blacksmith with scandinavian beard – this guy will surely make them better :)
    By the way, about low-poly figures. I do not know what was going on, but I like them more than the alleged high-tech 3D models in most modern games. I see them as characters rather than triangular armor(in false fantasy aaa games) made on the basis “the people will swallow it”

    Avatar photoAsterix_von_TWC

    Very nice Paul! Much more “full of story” than the previous scenes… both groups are interesting and appealing. Low polish gives it a kind of “at a glance” feel which adds to what you would actually see…. I don’t know if I am explaining it well.

    You should add women, old ladies selling apples, paid-brother-escorts looking to take a share of the loot or just for a cultist to buy them a beer, medieval towns had all types of merchants that sold (fake) holy relics, pieces of the true cross, there was always someone selling mixtures and concoctions or “potions” at the entrance to towns for instance

    Avatar photoCapirage

    Sallet helmets, please. (Single, with aketon, with simple mail, with closed mail, with mail and bevor)

    These are in fact my favourite kind of helmets, and I would be so happy to see them in-game as high tier equipmet.

    Anyway, loving the game design so far, keep up the good work! :D

    Avatar photobackrow

    sallets do not fit with the gear in the game, even though it’s fantasy it is based on early medieval times and they try and stay consistent within the theme.

    Avatar photoCapirage

    sallets do not fit with the gear in the game, even though it’s fantasy it is based on early medieval times and they try and stay consistent within the theme.

    Still, it IS fantasy, and it would add variety to the game. (And I would be happy in my pants)

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