Topic: Paul´s Art Corner

  • This topic has 1,775 replies, 175 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Avatar photoZaxxsel.
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  • #16481
    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Any plans to expand currently existing factions? As in adding new tiered NPCs (with different equipment and stuff)?
    It would add a lot to diversity (for example different bandit groups having different unit composition acting differently etc).

    Whats definitely in the works is the complete skeleton overhaul to make them a proper faction of their own. We also have plans to rework the ghouls to make them more interesting.
    What we will also be working on is the overall gameplay mechanics on the worldmap. The noble houses will defnitely get some more love and we want to have civil wars and other global events. I cant tell too much right now, but while we do all that, I am pretty sure that enemies in general will get more diverse.

    Club, FLail, Hammer, Axe(one and two handed?), Cleaver, Sword (warbrands + two handed?), Dagger, Pike (polearm?), Spear, xbow, bow, throwing, . ???

    The Axe Mastery affects one handed axes, two handed axes and poleaxes. The Sword includes Warbrands and two handed swords (it works differently for those of course). The polearm perk affects Billhooks and Pikes.

    also i think it would be nice to have a shield special perk in this weapon-perk tree.

    The shield expert perk is still there if you take a close look, it increases your defense bonus as well as your shields durability.

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    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    will we got some worldmap working perks?
    like scouting or pathfinding, tradership,treasure hunter, trainer, etc. !

    I could talk a lot about this topic, but I will restrict myself to not spend too much time here :)
    Of course we considered worldmap perks. If we would implement them within the normal perk tree, there are several problems.

    Lets take the pathfinder perk as an example ( my points would apply to any worldmap perk). This perk would increase movement speed on the worldmap.
    Does this perk stack? So do you move faster if more brothers have this perk or is it one time effect?
    So if it stacks you would gain absurd movement speed on the worldmap if you give this perk to every single brother. Alternativly if you want to min-max, all your reserve brothers would have the worldmap perks and serve solely as a worldmap buff with no real combat value.

    If its a one time effect it would be the optimal way to just give one of the worldmap perks to each brother until you have covered all different perks. Every single player would do this, as the investment is not very high. If everyone does it like that we could just remove the worldmap perks alltogether and give the player some stat boosts right from the beginning.

    I hope I made clear that its very tricky to implement worldmap buffs within the normal perk system. We had extensive internal discussion on that topic and our favorite way to implement anything in that direction would be a non combat follower mechanic of some kind.
    This is not off the table so it might still happen.
    No promises though :)

    I hope this helped a little to explain why we dont have worldmap perks in the game at the moment.

    Regarding the other perks (hating greenskins etc). The basic mechanic of gaining (and losing) perks via events is in the game, so something like this may be implemented. Again: No Promises, but we like the general concept of this.


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    Avatar photoRusBear

    I’m sorry, Paul, that ask you about this in your “Art” topic, but this is your handiwork)
    Does this mean that you think the work of the new UI complete? This merging brown and old objects on a black fone- the final version?

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Does this mean that you think the work of the new UI complete?

    Nothing is finished until the actual release of the game :)
    But we are pretty happy with the current look. I suppose we will do one last polishing pass before release.

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    Avatar photoHarry_Krishnaa

    thanks for answers!

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Here’s a little preview for one of the new Banners:


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    Avatar photoHarry_Krishnaa

    baaam..!! very nice .. !! good presentation for the new UI.. great lightning and colours.. very smooth all in one.. haha and of course nice art.
    also there is an -iron man- button :) :) :)

    @ worldmap perks

    i like the idea with non combat followers.. like hunter, blacksmith, scout etc. and some kind of camp managing.
    also i love the events and special the background driven events.. already ingame… need more of them :P
    to get perks or characteristics (hating greenskins, drunkard, coward, brave, etc.) by events is a very nice concept.. keep thinking of it ^^!


    Avatar photoTexan

    Hey Paul, are you going to rework scenarios is some way?
    They haven’t been touched for a long time.


    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    also there is an -iron man- button

    Haha nice spotting :)

    Hey Paul, are you going to rework scenarios is some way?
    They haven’t been touched for a long time.

    Phew, at this moment they are absolutely not on our agenda as we focus completely on all the new stuff for the campaign.
    Maybe we give them a a little touch up before the final release :)

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    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Heres another bunch


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    Avatar photoAnonymous

    Nice, the Krampus is there! : D thx for implementing it

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    Heres a bunch of new event pictures:

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    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    Heres another bunch


    Fantastic work, Paul! Ummm … I don’t see any skunks, though. :-P

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

    Avatar photoAsterix_von_TWC

    Pauuuul??? – *pauses* could you announce a competition where we post company names and you make original banners based on 5 you like best or pick at random?

    That would be realllly fun.

    Avatar photoPsenBattle

    could you announce a competition where we post company names and you make original banners based on 5 you like best or pick at random?

    Okay, let’s do this! Here are the rules:

    – You guys make suggestions for banners. Describe them put up examples, name the company etc.
    – Only one suggestion for each person.
    – I will chose 3 Banners and put them into the game.

    Additional rules:
    – I decide what I take and leave just as I see fit, like a real medieval tyrant :)
    – I may change and adjust suggestions to put them more in line with the existing banners.

    As soon as three banners are finished the competion ends.

    Lets go and cheers!

    Overhype Studios - Let´s roll!

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