Topic: Scenario Battle Freezed (lol)

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Avatar photoRap.
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  • #18773
    Avatar photoRahziel

    In Scenario Line Battle (Undead)
    After Billhook weilder Svein moved back one step and waited it should have been Skeleton Bowman’s turn, but error occured and he can’t complete it.

    ConsoleAPI coui://ui/screens/tactical/modules/tactical_screen_turnsequencebar/turnsequencebar_module.js:904:26:
     ERROR: Failed to query entity data for entity (284). Reason: Invalid result.

    Must be Tundra’s Freezing Temperature is at fault..

    PS: Since when and why .rar is banned for security reasons? “this file type is not permitted for security reasons.”

    Avatar photoRap

    Yep, that one’s been reported and fixed already. Thanks nontheless.

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