Not terribly pressing, but since you have a suggestions section, I feel it my duty to toss my two cents in :)
Ironman mode: Yes, I know it’s an honor system thing, but damnitall, when Seigfred the unstoppable goes down… to that lame Cleaver one-hit… CUT OFF IN HIS PRIME…. HOW CAN I NOT SAVE HIM? THE KEY IS RIGHT THERE!
Having a checkbox to lock saving to quit/continue would be nice, just to keep me honest :)
Basic AI for intercepts: So that when you click on a roving enemy, and they’re juuust outside your range, and you miss fighting them in the open, instead having to slog through a bog, simply because you clicked half a second too soon and they pathed into you or just past? Having your party track moving targets you have sight on, or at the very least auto-engaging on previously clicked targets, would be very nice. Pausing is a manual solve, but, as above, Quality of Life :)
Choose a starting Hero: Sometimes you just want to try out a build. A way to ensure a single member of your party is a certain class (even disregarding random assigned traits) would be handy, but it could break immersion a lot… just a thought. IMO it would be fun if that one person was YOU, though, and if he died you lost regardless; maybe as a different game mode.