Reply To: [Beta patch] Perks that dont exist but should be in game
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Serpent Friend – reduces the effect of poison on you
Immunized: poison no longer impairs your combat abilities, and, on the first occasion on which poison enters your veins in a battle, you gain an additional 6 action points and a 25% increase in damage on your next turn.I don’t think it should be a perk. Not really that useful, but could be a good trait from random event/randomly given on hire. Latter is much more useful, but still – VERY occasional.
Beyond Call of Duty – makes you immune to morale damage
Little OP If you’d ask me. You’d just get this on all guys, boosting them with alcohol and voila. Bunch of terminators on the battlefield.
Others are very cool ideas, I must say. Personally, I’d love to see abundance of perks to choose from. Those which trigger while your character has taken a lot of damage are also very good.
My idea:
Last Resort – If your character is below 25% hit points, he can run away without triggering attacks of opportunity from enemies next to him.
Yeah, I like the idea of perks that enhance abilities in tight situations, because then you’ll be more willing to fight those vicious evenly matched battles that are very risky but also more intrinsically exciting. Currently, I usually only have those battles when I’ve got lots of crowns and a full party of 18 and am trying to kill some off to make space for new recruits (and – sod’s law – the ones that do “die” actually survive but with permanent injuries).
Last Resort: you can already escape from zones of combat (regardless of hit points) with the Footwork perk. Perhaps there could be a perk where, upon reaching the “fleeing” morale state, the character realizes that there’s no use in trying to escape and so gains (a) an immediate free turn, (b) extra energy and action points, (c) enhanced melee and ranged attack skills and (d) enhanced damage with any hit, but (e) a 100% chance of being hit and killed/maimed by any subsequent attack from an adjacent opponent (and, if he isn’t attacked afterwards, he collapses from exhaustion for the remainder of the battle).