Topic: A bit of praise

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  • #23395
    Avatar photoBiorn

    Some companies abuse early access and preordering, so I never preorder and almost never enter early access.
    Battle Brothers looked really nice and I do love turn-based strategy, so I made an exception and got it quite early on.
    And I’m really glad I did so, now I have over 600 hours logged on Steam and it’s one of my all-time favourite games.

    When you guys moved on to your next project I was a bit sad that Battle Brothers wouldn’t receive any more love, but the Lindwurm DLC
    was a good way of you to show your appreciation for your fans. Thank you for that one :)

    Now I learn that my beloved mercenaries have new adventures to look forward to in just over a week and from what I’ve seen and read it’s looking great.
    So I’m gonna get the supporter edition (and so is my friend) for two reasons.
    1: You’ve earned it, Battle Brothers is a gem, and you guys do a great job in listening to your fans (without catering to our every silly whim and dumb idea).
    Also I’ve really enjoyed the Dev-blogs and Paul’s art-corner, letting us know what you are working on and giving us sneak-peeks of the gorgeous artwork.
    2: I want you guys to know that I live in hope that in the future, when beasts have been slain like there was no tomorrow and all has been explored.
    You will once again make my day by improving a great game with more content.

    Cheers! -Biorn

    Avatar photoRap

    Thanks for the kind words :)

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    Avatar photosmidge

    I’m sure a lot of a people feel the same (including me)!

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