Topic: A couple of questions

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  • #7377
    Avatar photoFever

    Hello everyone, new soon-to-be-player here.

    I have been following the updates on Steam for some months now. I keep resisting the urge to buy the game, because I’d love to experience the most updated/stable/complete version of the game possible, but Q2 2016 looks so far away.
    Well, at first I’d wanted to ask some questions, but I just found all the answers in the FAQ!

    1) Battle Sisters are something I’m looking forward to. Consider a +1 in your playerbase as soon as you implement them, even if they will be rare, like they are supposed to be. I can’t wait to play with a healing vestal or a rebel amazon in my company.

    2) I like he approach you took with consumables: in most games, I keep saving them for harder times, which obviously never come!

    3) Iron-man mode is what makes the gaming experience really engaging and thrilling, at least for me. I can’t wait to try it.

    Thank you for the game, it truly looks amazing.

    Avatar photoHoly.Death

    Since that’s on topic – will female Battle Brothers introduce something unique to the game, or will they be just regular Battle Brothers of different gender?

    Avatar photoJaysen

    Happy to hear that you like the game!

    Battle Sister will have foremost completely unique backgrounds and wont share any with the male Battle Brothers. Of course the backgrounds come with different starting stat ranges and trait probabilities.
    Regarding mechanics we can not say if they will have any different mechanics or so. This is also a bit of thin ice as people can easily get offended by any differences that “reinforce stereotypes” or gender roles ;)

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    Avatar photoOldGreyBeard

    Happy to hear that you like the game!

    Regarding mechanics we can not say if they will have any different mechanics or so. This is also a bit of thin ice as people can easily get offended by any differences that “reinforce stereotypes” or gender roles …

    Well, the “stereotypes” were at least somewhat physically defined. The combat of the time put most women at a great disadvantage. It’s just the way we evolved? That being said, I could see specialists like sharpshooter archers. Before I get flamed too badly, being the coach for my wife during childbirth removed any “macho” illusions I may have had left. So, while I don’t think you should shy away hedge knight women, they should be a little uncommon. Well, maybe not. Mercenary life would appeal to such hedge knights. Well, support troops sounds like it could have interesting and creative uses.

    Plus, think of the fun involved with mixed units! Hmmm … random jealousy in the ranks? Monks that flip out when in the same battle line as women? A female hedge knight that has a habit of inciting jealousy between brothers to fight boredom? Hee hee! Have fun!

    In a single player game, there's no such thing as cheating. It's merely "creative manipulation of the default settings"!

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